Wednesday, 26 December 2007
All Things Will Work Out Good
After a long hiatus from MSN, I decided to go online only to face a decision which I ought to have already made up my mind about. I mean ok, since when MSN became such a channel for major dilemma headaches. Isn't it supposed to be a kind of brainless entertainment communication channel where people just catch up and talk crap. Well anyway, I was chatting with a friend from school and we were talking about deciding between which major we should embark our career on. Suddenly, we were talking adult stuff and it was over-whelming. It was all about prospects, pay packages and the like.
For me, it's Marketing and HR. FYI, HR pays far better than Marketing. But its not about the paycheck, its about what I'm good at and what I'm more suitable for. But, I'm not 100 percent certain about what I'm good at. Let's give an analogy to make explanation easier; I'm like this bystander idling at the bleachers observing and taking my own sweet time deciding which football team I want to support when the game is way past half-time and about to end........ damnit.
Haha, if only choosing a career option when I have one more term before graduating is as easy as choosing which football team to support.
So my next option, I'm going to consult the greatest and the most wonderful coach to give me answers. And that's God. Seriously, at this juncture, I do need His consult. And I trust in the hope that He will send friends, those who have graduated and those with experience to come my way to give me answers and advice. He has already put me in the best place to ask for consult, my cell group. 3 years ago, I asked myself why did God lead me to a cell group where all the members are at least 3 years older than me and I'm the only student in their midst. Come to think of it, all my career advisers are right there for me to ask.
Like, wow. Haha, if only I'm majoring in finance and accounting, cause half of them are working in banks and have worked in the big 4s. Nevertheless, I'm sure they have the knowledge and wisdom to provide me the advice I need.
All, I need to do is ask.
Matt 7:7-8
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."
First person He sent along to encourage me to trust in God, Miranda, a friend whom I got to know during my summer trip to Vancouver. And I have not talked to her in ages and out of the blue, she just msned me. And its funny. The reason she came to talk to me - she was having some dilemma thingy as well. And I was having my own issues.
mirmirr: sunkissed said:
so im trying to rationalise it in my brain to trust in God and leave it all to Him
mirmirr: sunkissed said:
hahah He prob made me say hi and then tell u that we both need to rely on Him
mirmirr: sunkissed said:
joanna* . says:
thats what I was thinking too =)
joanna* . says:
And its funny in an amazing way. The reason she came to talk to me online - she was having some dilemma issue as well. And I have my own issues to handle. As we said our goodbyes online, we left with the same conclusion. Trust in God, you will never go wrong. We cannot have control over everything. When we think we do have ultimate control, that's when we realise its really tiring and worthless to devote much of our time worrying about the "what ifs". When I become my insecure self, God gave countless reasons to make me feel secure once again.
Be blessed during this festive season!
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Grad Trip (Under Construction) and the festive season
Surface work pretty much discussed over coffee at Starbucks amidst all the gossip and latest news being shared in between who's researching on what and responsible for which aspects of the trip prep.
Well well well, doesn't it sound like project meeting? If it does, it sure and must be the most interesting and gratifiable project meeting ever. Project Grad Trip - Getting the A+ for Enjoyment, Adventure, Meeting Budgets, Indulgences, Thrill Factor, Bonding and memories worth remembering for a lifetime!
I didn't include glorious shopping because I'm making an exception this time. Shopping will be the least of my priorities during the grad trip. =)
There're so many stuff I'm looking forward to this coming week!
First, there's my favorite event of the year, Christmas. Family and I went Christmas shopping on Thursday and town was near madness, filled with throngs of Xmas shoppers. Xmas shopping is fun but painful for the account...... Well, the joy in the giving! I bought a bag for my Grandma to bring for her weekly card playing sessions. I think she's gonna love it. She's always eyeing my bags.
I hope I'll get a shoe voucher.
And there's Cafe Del Mar with the girlies! Ellie came back from Perth and I get to see her and hear that infectious laughter finally.
Looking forward to cookout session with the Grad-Trippers (decided to name the group since I have all these different cliques now. Something I love about university life, different groups of friends added to this circle of friendship) to better prep us for cooking our meals during the trip. Eh, I'm bringing one or two of my mum's many cookbooks (even though my mum doesn't know how to cook and our kitchen doesn't have any rice to begin with). Western, Peranakan, Chinese Cuisine, you choose, I guess I can dig out a couple of those cookbooks to bring over. HAHA.
Have a blessed Christmas, y'll! Happy holidays!
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Seriously I'm appalled by the truckload of free movies online. They even have "I am Legend" which is not out yet in cinemas. It's crazy! People out there live stream everything these days.
Damn pirated stuff. But I like.
I'm sucha cheapo pirated junkie. I'm not ashamed to admit it. Hurhur...
My trip to China was so boring and uneventful that I'm not even keen to transfer the pictures I took, from my cammie to my laptop. But apart from the lack of fantastic scenery and places to visit, it was a superb time of family bonding (the 11 of us!) To compensate for the boring factor, my cousins, aunt, sis and I played card games and ate loads of junk food into the wee hours of the night and slept 2 to 4 hours straight during bus journeys.
I love my family. To me, they are the best people I can have around me.
And I still have this heartwarming and tingley feeling everytime I see my ah-gong hold my ah-ma's hands to guide her through the shopping crowd. It's uber sweet and that picture is to me, my so-called definition of true love. (I believe very very strongly in marrying only once, to the right person, no regrets and you stick to the same person till your dying day). My grandparents, they are my role model when it comes to marriage.
When it comes to love, honestly, I'm a traditionalist and a die-hard romantic person at heart. I still believe so much in blissful fairytale endings. Jaded-ness, I forbid you to ever come near me!...
Thursday, 13 December 2007

But my favorite is still O'Malley. He's the comic relief, the funny guy. And I always like the funny guy the best. Sense of humor triumphs over good looks (most of the time).

Songs such as "The Way I am" by Ingrid Michaelson and "9 Crimes" by Damien Rice.
Hardly the usual radio stuff, which is great.
Well, life's pretty much boring after coming back from my trip. Other than "scaling" Bukit Timah hill with Jax, I cannot think of anything more interesting that happened the past week. Just watching Grey's and napping.
Oh, and I'm baking chocolate molten cakes! I'm turning into a baking person, however bad my last cheesecake turned out.
Does asking my boyfriend to sign up for baking classes with me sound absurd? HAHA.
I'm starting to ramble. This entire post's content sounds so ramblish. -_-"
Bored. Bye and next week will be a good and amazing week! No more staying at home!... =X
(I'm beginning to talk like a boring person.)