Sunday, 30 March 2008
Happy with my new toy

Thursday, 27 March 2008
Box Office Peeks
1. Romantic Comedy, Made of Honour
2. Brainless Humour, Harold & Kumar Escapes from Guantanamo Bay
Catch the prequel, Harold & Kumar Goes to White Castle first. Actually I am sure there is no logical link between the two. One of the most hilarious brainless humour movies I've ever since.

3. All time favorite action archeologist, Indy! Reminded me of the old days when I cringed and screamed at the monkey brains scene in Temple of Doom and my dad will be deeply amused and laughed at me.

4. Finally, Fantasy.... Prince Caspian

All my fave genres of movies... Such a movie buff.
Is There More to Life than This....
2. Jet setting lifestyle
3. Food
4. Material/Luxury Pleasures
5. Adventure
Is there more to life than all these we, blessed people living in Singapore have?
Have you asked yourself, what is the true meaning of life on this earth?
Is it finding happiness in getting the next paycheck, the next branded bag, the next plane ride out of the country?
Sometimes, we get too deluded with the concept of happiness and meaning of life. Have you asked yourselves, what is your purpose on this earth?
Is it to just consume oxygen and to give out carbon dioxide?
Is it to just be another person in the crowd, the only sense of joy being, able to get a seat on a cramped train back home from work?
Are there more meaning to life?
If you have questions, then Alpha has answers for you. Explore the meaning of life.

"There must be more to life than finding that ultimate plate of Hokkien Mee!"
-Leslie Tan, Ieatishootipost blogger. (I quote from him because his church is conducting alpha course as well.)
You can find out more about Alpha courses here.
Monday, 24 March 2008
Deja Vu or is it not?
And some of his past entries just kinda made me realise, my sense of foreboding is actually freakishly accurate. Its just this unexplanable strange feeling when I read about someone's life (even though I kinda know nuts about the other party and reading about other people's lives are just an excuse to pass up doing boring stuff like studying), I just had this questioning voice telling me, "Hey, what if this is gonna happen to you?" Yea, the "What ifs". And its deja vu, really. In retrospect, I think I might end up being the "she" in his story. The girl with the better suit at Poker and just completely shattered the other party's high hopes of winning. And other unsuspecting parties are just equally shocked and saddened at the outcome of the entire game.
and it feels like crap everytime I think of the aftermath.
When decisions are easy to make but hard to execute. Just take it from my hands and place it in Yours.
(Diving post below)
Pulau Dayang 2008

Bags of diving gear (super heavy). All our wet suits, BCD (Buoyancy Control Device) Mask and fins are inside. The only humble dive gear I own now, is sadly just a diving sausage, slate and dive torch. I long for the day when I can get my hands on a full set of diving equipment. Shao and Jax, I know you want it too. =P

AC Boys

Common area for slacking and eating in between dives. As the slogan says on the divers' shirts, Eat, Sleep, Dive. Thats all we do.

The only girl. The boys I hanged out with on the island. I didn't talk to a single girl cause we are outnumbered. I'm one of the 2 girls on adv/leisure dive.
FYI, Jax took this picture. Anyway, this is Frederick from Sweden. He's quite a character; funny and a great conversationalist. Other than the cool facts that he's a diving junkie, underwater photog and owns his personal diving kit, he provided verbal entertainment during our waits for the next dive.
A glimpse into their 4 bed-bunk. =\ Seriously, you cannot expect much from a divers' lodge. The bare minimums. The 2 bed ensuite room Jax and I got was not any better. Extremely squeaky double decker beds and cold showers (no heater!). But its fine. The diving experience surpasses all the crappiness. As long as I get to dive, I can tolerate all that.
Diving Buddies: Fred and Shao
My diving buddy. Dayang, the same after 3 years. Yet, it just feels different.
Our diving instructor, Vincent. He's 25 (or so he says). He asked me to guess how old he is, and I wanted to say he seriously looks like he's 19. Lol. Super patient instructor; I gave him hell during the navigation course. My directional skills suck big time on land and in water. The only thing I aced, was the underwater nitrogen narcosis test where we had to perform simple writing and mental tasks at a depth of 30 metres to assess if we are affected by the pressure.
Dayang, We will miss diving around you. The place where I dived for the first time in June 2005, which opened my eyes to this amazing world of underwater marvels.
Going back. Ya, we are drained. But yet, happy and eagerly awaiting our next dive trip.
Yes, I am addicted to diving.
Some unglam pictures. Diving is a super unglam activity for girls. For guys, look super good. But not for girls. The no make up, crazily tangled hair and the struggle to get out of my body clinging wet suit without incurring any bikini malfunctions.

No pictures please when I am munching on junk food.
Oh, the highlight of the boat ride was the sighting of 3 dolphins!!! SCREAMS!!!! They were jumping in the water. Everyone was so elated to see them. Esp. me. We were all sleeping and drooling away when one of the instructors started blasting in his booming voice, "Wake up! Dolphins!" The way we jumped and rushed to the side of the boat in a matter of seconds was really hilarious on hindsight.
Home (not so sweet) home. Even though it was a tiring and short trip, it was still a getaway and diving is always one of the things I am passionate about.
Supper with Jax and Shao. Frog Leg porridge! HEHE. Fred didn't join us because he's a vegan. He was appalled when we told him we are craving for frog's leg porridge. =\ Since the dive centre is at Cantonment Road, there's no better time to head down to the nearby famous frog leg porridge stall.

You can tell how happy and eager I was to dig in. While Shao and Jax were reminiscing about their AC cyber old school days of CounterStrike and Doom (?), I was just slurping up the good hawkerfood. Sigh, Boys will be boys. I guess they must have visited every cyber lan shop in the entire Bukit Timah stretch.
Still waiting for the underwater shots taken by Fred. Amazing stuff.
What does S.C.U.B.A means?
It's an acronym for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. Recreational or leisure diving has sky rocketed in popularity in the last 2 decades. To start off, there are 2 entry level certifications; the Open Water Diver Cert which is essentially the passport to diving and the Advanced Open Water Diver cert. Once you get these 2 certifications, you are free to dive any where in the world up to a depth of 30 metres (for advanced divers only). Open water divers can only dive up to 18 metres and are not allowed to go for night diving.
After advanced, diving doesn't stop here. There are other specialty courses as well such as wreck diving, search and rescue, drift diving, deep diving, ice diving and underwater photography. All these will be steps closer to being a Dive Master (DM) or an instructor. The coolest and often one of the most dangerous form of diving is ice diving where diving extremists will drill a hole in frozen lakes and carry out diving activities for a very limited window of time just to get the adrenaline rush of doing such a crazy thing. Must be an out of the world experience man....
And as divers living in Singapore, we are a blessed lot because we are situated at the gateway to the most amazing dive sites in the world. South east asia is by far, the world's biggest hotspot for recreational diving with many of the world's most beautiful marine habitats such as Sipadan, Phuket, Manado, Layang Layang and many more. Westerners such as Fred flock to SEA just to dive. And definitely, it is my biggest dream to dive at every one of them in the future. The feeling of being submerged underwater and appreciating the beauty of nature is unbelievable. You can only see it for yourselves to believe and trust me, you will be addicted. One of the most common question asked amongst divers is, "When and where is your next dive destination?"
You think diving is expensive and eats up alot of time just by traveling for hours there. And once you get to the dive site, you sometimes get crappy lodging and food. On top of that, you have instructors and divemasters shouting at you to suit and gear up quick (like army all over again for guys), the initial fear of the unknown in a new dive site and the unglam factor (for girls). But once you descend into the water, all that is worth tolerating when you experienced being totally enthralled by the vast species of marine life in the open seas. Out of this world, seriously.
It is so worth every cent, every moment of butt pain getting to the destination, every bed bug bite and every morsel of crap food.
2005 pictures:

The old gang.

Friday, 21 March 2008
Thank God Its Good Friday
Before the world began
You were on His mind
And every tear you cry
Is precious in His eyes
Because of His great love
He gave His only Son
Everything was done
So you would come
Nothing you can do
Could make Him love you more
And nothing that you've done
Could make Him close the door
Because of His great love
He gave His only Son
Everything was done
So you would come
Come to the Father
Though your gift is small
Broken hearts, broken lives
He will take them all
The power of the Word
The power of His blood
Everything was done
So you would come
Good Friday. Where the world's greatest love story was written for Mankind.
ok, typing this before leaving for diving. I pray that I will enjoy the marvelous underwater world God created and not worry too much over the getting lost part while I get too carried away looking at corals (which I can get really carried away just looking at them and not looking at where the rest of the team go).
I will be kept safe =)
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Firstly, I wanna so Thank God for the amazing worship but Ok message today. It was awesome just lifting my hands to praise Him together with my entire cg. He has indeed placed me in a brand new cell group (cg) which I feel very much belonged in. I am not saying I didn't feel comfortable in my previous cg. I can get along with most people. I feel I can talk and warm up to new people easily. Yet, there are certain aspects of my life I couldn't share as easily with people who are in different stages of life. My previous cg was made up of church friends who are all in the corporate world earning their gazillion paychecks while I, on the other hand, am still receiving my allowance from my parents. But I still am very grateful that I spent 3 meaningful years in my ex-cg because in terms of advice, I got plenty from the "older" and definitely more experienced friends.
Haha, I got my fair share of pregnancy advice which I so obviously don't need them now. Perhaps 5 years down the road. Seriously, I heard so much about what to do, what not to do during pregnancy and delivery that I think its pretty amusing to see if I will use them in the future. I cannot imagine myself being a mum. I super need alot of favour from God and loving support and of course, prayers from my husband.
Oh anyway back to the new cg, everything's great. The sharing has been fantastic and I feel so encouraged by our weekly testimonies of faith. I nearly cried during the sharing (yah, I tend to get very emotional for my own good) because this girl, Esther said something that totally strengthened my conviction even more. oh well, blessed time of fellowship.
Another blessing will come in the form of a brand new phone which my mum has very graciously and kindly bestowed upon me. Actually, I can't bear to part with my current phone but it 'drowned'. I dropped the poor thing into a toilet bowl in school! THANK GOD, it was flushed before the mobile dropped it. Phew.. HAHA, and I hesitated for like, 3 seconds before I really very "bobian" had to stick my hand in and fished the soaking wet phone out. What a klutz.
I guess my close friends will just shake their heads and say, thats jo. LOL.
I am blessed as well with encouraging words from my close friends. You girls know the most and thanks for the support :) and thanks to others who dropped by to say, Are you ok? Haha.
Another week starts tomorrow. And dear final year friends, its Week 11........ This the first time I feel reluctant to say goodbye to each week as they sickeningly fly past.
Friday, 14 March 2008
I Will Emerge More than a Conqueror!
But the above is definitely not the gist and definitely not the crux of this post (it's gonna be a lengthy one!), rather its just the starting point of drawing closer to God in a way I can never imagine.
I was very tired today. Things just simultaneously happened to blow up. But, I decided to just relax and rest. So, I went to put on my Kose Black Mask which I haven't put on for ages. Anyway, thats not the point. Whilst I was having the mask on, I got nothing much to do except to wait for the thing to dry. Hence, I was just looking for some cds to play and I chanced (or rather, God made me) upon this rather old audio sermon from my church. Its rather bizarre but upon retrospect, it really isn't that bizarre when I felt this inclination to play that cd. It felt as the cd was calling out at me, "PICK ME UP, YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO ME" Haha, seriously.
And I played it. God spoke to me right there and then. You gotta believe it.He told me to look at Romans 8. And it is mentioned that,
If the bible were a ring, then the book of Romans must be the diamond. and if Romans is the diamond, then Romans Chapter 8 is definitely the sparkle of that diamond.
Because, in that chapter, it shows the writer's (who is Apostle Paul) thesis of the magnificence of our salvations through Christ. And Romans 8 is the climax of the entire book. For those who knows Romans 8, it starts with No condemnation for those in Christ and the chapter ends with No separation from God's love. How wonderful is that! I am set free from the power of sin. As a result of God's love, nothing can separate me from Christ.
I know the above might sound really too much. But what I am trying to say is, no matter what the circumstances, present or future, in all things, I am called to be more than a conqueror.
These 2 verses spoke to me figuratively and I know the meaning applies to me.
"...But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not have, we wait for it patiently" Romans 8: 24-25
I will hope and wait. Its not with a waiting attitude of resignation and passitivity. This hoping and waiting is not a "This is really bobian and grit my teeth" kinda thing. Rather, I will seek to go through all these with perseverance and to emerge as more than a conqueror, to be more blessed, more glorious and in the process, better able to bless others as well.
God, I am sure you will bring sweetness out of bitterness, strength out of weakness, victory out of loss and blessing out of heartache. I want to have a "Paul" mindset. Even though he was stuck in the hideous Roman prisons (which back in those age, were the most horrid prisons), he turned them into his own "retreat centres" where he wrote his most joyful letters. In a situation where he is supposed to cry and wail about his pitiful and painful state, he didn't but he was joyful instead. How amazing. Joy instead of sorrow when its supposed to be. Definitely, Paul's strength didn't come from himself, rather it came from God. So thankfully, that being more than a conqueror, we need not depend on our mere shelves, but rather, we rest upon His promises that God will provide His strength and all His resources to aid us through whatever trials and hardships we face in this earthly life. God's power is made perfect in our weaknesses.
I know what I am going through sounds like nothing as compared to other people's problems like facing a loss of a loved one, accidents, other failures in life. What have you. But take heart, sometimes in life, we might not come to understand the reasons for the human suffering that happen to us or to the people around us, or even to strangers in other parts of the world, but the "Whys" are not important. Questions are not important. Does questioning endlessly and self-pitying over our circumstances give us solutions? Course not. It will give us more worries and heartaches. What is important is definitely to be assured that God is with us to help us overcome the daunting circumstances in our lives. I mean God is God, if He can't help, who can in this world? And let's come to a realization that there is no point questioning the doubts, rather let's learn to respond to every nuance of God's love. Let His peace transcends all our understanding. Let me say to Him that, my understanding over areas of my life is limited, but His peace and rest are limitless/infinite!
You say, How does God express His love to me? I can't see Him. Yes, He does express His love even though He is invisible. Even though God cannot be seen, doesn't mean He's not there. It like, you can't see the air around you, but please do not say that there isn't air around. And even though I cannot see Him, I know He expresses His love and encouragement through all the friends He put in my path (yes, non-christians and christians, every one of them is God's blessings), sermons and worship songs. His encouragement is shown forth in the times when I am down, there are definitely "support cushions" that never fail to catch me and prevents me from dwelling on sadness. If you know me, I don't get sad too long. The joy is supernatural. God won't allow me to dwell in self-pity and sadness too much for my own good. This is the nature of my God. His ever loving, gracious and merciful nature.
After the entire message, this reminder that His extravagant and immense love will build up my faith and enable me to be more than a conqueror in my life just resonates. I can feel its lingering presence. At this juncture, when I feel weak and lost, I am gonna cling onto God's goodness, promises and love. I will draw ever closer to Him than before. And I am so going to tell the Evil One with all his crappy guilt and condemnation accusations, to get lost and go fly kite (which means in Singlish, to buzz off or rather crudely, to F off)! Seriously, with God in my life, all the bad drama will just cease and go away. Definitely have to.
Ok, a long post. I feel great after sharing =) Thank God! He still amazes me so so much for what He has in store for me.
Gonna end off with one of my favorite songs, "Still" By HillSong.
Hide me now
Under Your wings
Cover me within Your mighty hand
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father You are king over the flood
I will be still and know You are God
Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust
I know with His help, guidance and support, I am going to get through all of this, and emerge stronger than ever. More than I can imagine. =)
Sunday, 9 March 2008
Team Hoyt
A video of how much the father loves his son. Of how much he believes in him even though he is physically disabled and mentally challenged. Of how much the father can give up and do for the son he believes so much in. A story of self-sacrificial love.
As I was watching the video, I realized I am, figuratively like the son character in the video. Even though, I am not disabled but somehow, I feel in this world, we as human beings, can get too bogged down by our iniquities and our so called "inabilities". We just become paralysed in a different way. In a invisible, hidden and subtle way. And don't you think that we are all running the race towards the finishing line. There are many kinds of races in this world. The race for financial success, the race for status, the race for freedom. whatever. Do you know what race you are running? Have you got a clue? I know what race I am running. I am called to run the race of faith. To run with perseverance.
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
– Hebrews 12:1-3
And the amazing thing is, I am not running this race alone. Like the video, I have a Father that races with me. Not only races, but carries and supports me all the way. If the dad in the video is able and willing to give up so much of his own love, time and ability to run the race with his handicapped son, how much MORE will the Father God be ever willing to do the same thing. Not just the same thing, but much much much more. More than my human mind can ever conceive and fathom.
It is just so amazing!
Honestly, I can confidently say that I have never felt so at peace and at rest before knowing the LORD. Before, when I run into trouble in my life, all I can do is just depend on the world system to provide me with temporal solutions which work fine and dandy for a short while and then the whole cycle starts again. The search for true meaning in this life and the uphill climb for good grades and reputation to seal the future. Superficial Confidence in temporal stuff. Now, I find that only God provides the eternal solution to everything. Even if I become sad, moody and completely shitty when things don't turn out fine, this indescribable joy and peace will force itself to just replace all the negative thoughts in my mind.
Friday, 7 March 2008
In His Time.
When I ask if God can indeed take the awful and upsetting situations that befall us as well as the circumstances we bring on ourselves by our hot-headedness, foolishness whatever, and turn them into good? The bible says He can!. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28-29).
And He showed me the best way to deepen this conviction is that God has all the power to take the setbacks in life and turn them into springboards. How? By simply reflecting on the finished work of the Cross. The cross; it is the ultimate and the supreme example of God's ability to transform things and situations, the worst of the lot. Right there at the cross, He took the most horrific event that ever happened on this earth and made it into the most sublime. What happened on the cross was the world's worst crime, yet it is now the world's supreme hope. It was the darkest event in history, yet now, it is the brightest and most marvelous light of all. Sin became the dark backdrop against which His grace shines even more brilliantly.
Hence, He's telling me, If He CAN do that with the cross, what can he not do with the setbacks in life. If He can conquer the cross, can he not help me conquer my circumstances. He will aid me to reign over all that is happening and I see hope. I really do.
I know that I might not come to understand the things that are happening now. I can be lost for words to explain and sometimes, I find it beyond me to explain and justify to everyone why this is happening. But, I know this phase will come to past soon. I believe in His time, he can make everything beautiful again. Give us the patience to wait it out.
My prayer for today:
Lord, just help me drop my personal anchor into the immense depths of your reassuring and encouraging relevation and truth, that nothing that ever happens to me is by chance and is beyond Your power to transform. I believe that every stumbling block becomes a stepping stone. I am indeed grateful. Amen.
My dive trip is postponed yet again.

Paulaners beer and german sausages. The sausages were so full of cheese that when SY munched into one of them, the warm cheese squirted onto me. HAHA. Yummy comfort food. I love drinking beer with these people. They are my beer people. =)

(Below) The grilled pork knuckle. What's eating German food without eating pork knuckle right. It tastes great even though it looks crappy.
Alaska just love the german mustard
Oh well, thats all.
Random day.