Friday, 14 November 2008

Michael Page International Corporate Outing and Quarterly Bash

FINALLY, a blog post.

7 November, Friday. MPI Corporate outing at Forest Adventures!

On the way there (the trip from the CBD to Bedok Reservoir). We worked for half a day before changing into sport gear. You should see the girls in our tiny 3 cubicle toilet.... The MD actually changed outside the cubicles and she was like, "I realised alot of the girls in the office love black bras." @_@. Pretty spontaneous!

Shradha and May!

Audrey (she always absent-mindedly leave her stuff behind in the office). Sounds like another me, but I am not THAT forgetful (hmmm.)

Sophie, the Aussie-bred chinese babe. She's in the same team as myself and she loves Skittles. She can buy 4 or 5 packets of Skittles at one shot. And she eats Yong Yau Foo for lunch EVERYDAY!

Joyce and Sophie. The party babes of MPI. But they are really nice. During the adventure course, they really took great care of me.
Anyway, to cut the long story short, Forest Adventures (you can go google it if you are keen in trying out some adventure sports in boring ol' singapore) was really an experience. I can now proudly 'boast' that I swung and 'trek' from one tree to another. I would love to do it again when my fitness level is higher. I was like, dead tired halfway through the obstacle course man. But for people like Youie and Wanzhi, I think you girls would love it. =) 30 bucks per pax for 2-3 hours of activity. pretty reasonable price to pay for fun, fitness and team-bonding. We were laughing and cheering a whole lot.
And off we go to House@Dempsey for our evening bash. From sweaty MPI Singlet clad girls to made up dressy babes. We have this corporate culture whereby new consultants who managed to complete their first placements has to come up with a "CREAM CAKE" skit to entertain the rest of the company during the bash. Since there were only 3 full time consultants who bought their first placement cakes (when we placed out first candidates, we have to treat the entire office to cakes, hence the cream cake name), the trainees (aka me and may plus 3 other trainees) were roped in to help out.

The mandatory shots in the toilet. Shradha, one of the full time consultants acting in the skit.

The cream cake folks! Yeaps, we acted as MPI pirates. We actually went to borrow pirate hats from this Halloween-themed costume shop. The skit turned out to be a huge success. We managed to pull it off with just one week of rehearsal. Each of us had to put a show where we portrayed the typical quirks and weird habits of our managers.

May and her manager. Her manager loves brands like MIU MIU and Salvatore Ferragamo. My manager loves Gucci and Kate Spade. So we printed out the brand names and pasted them on our handbags, dresses and shoes. It was so funny, to see Jimmy Choos hanging off the legs of Shradha who acted as our MD who obviously wears her Jimmy Choos to work.

Partners in Crime. They hate but love each other at the same time. Still figuring if its a love-hate relationship between the both of them.

The sales and marketing ladies.

3 Sales & marketing girls + a commerce girl.

The 2 Ms - Matthew and May. Matt is the funniest guy in the office. Sooo dorkishly funny.

I think he looks like Homer Simpson! hahaha.

My manager, Diana. I was 'her' during the skit and I made fun of her brushing teeth habit. She has to brush her teeth everytime after lunch. The thing I was holding is a Darlie's travel toothbrush kit which I plan to give it to her since she needs it more than me. And I am more of a Colgate fan than Darlie.And she drinks alot of coffee....

Nilay and me.

Matt and Steve. Matt played Steve and I loved the line, "I want to see those oars on fire!" Inside joke. Come to think of it, the skit was really funny!

FYI, they are not a couple.

Trainees. Hopefully, we will all be working as consultants soon!

Yin, Another trainee whose laughter can be heard all the way from her end of the office to mine.

No, we were not drunk! By the way, this crazy bunch is my team. There's only one chinese guy in the office and he belongs to our team so he's 'hot' property. We all wanna grab a piece of him. Don't ask why my hand is there. We were all supposed to touch him and it seemed like I was the only one taking it seriously.

This is a creepy shot.

More proper shots.

The commerce team. Missing Rene who was on a flight to Shenzhen for a short vacation.

I am proud of being a part of MPI. And I pray that I will be a full time consultant after the 6 months training program. People there are really nice and friendly. It's always my wish to say this line during my work-life,"I love what I am doing".