Tuesday, 30 June 2009

I am still very much alive

Ok, I need to resurrect my blog. It's been a while and I do get people asking me where the hell I have been...

I don't facebook, msn and blog as often as I did when it was still the good old days of uni life. No words can describe fully how much I miss schooling. I can shop and slack as much as I want to. Now, after earning my own money, I feel that shopping too much is bad. T_T

My parents would be happy to hear this relevation coming from me. Oh well. I save more than I spend now.

Small updates aside, in 2012, I will be having a change of home address plus having made the biggest investment in my life.

The signs of adulthood.

*Not going to blog about Turkey trip - lazy to upload the pictures...*

Till the next time.