It has been 2 months since I ordered junk food tees online and until now, I have yet to get my hands on them. Well, I can only get to wear them only after I get back home. Crap.
Since we are on the topic of junk food tees, I received this email from my boyfriend on Monday morning at work. And he sent me 3 pictures of junk food tees and how it relates back to us:
Picture No. 1:
A pictorial version of Me:
Picture No. 3:
A pictorial version of Him:
And lastly, of us…
Picture No. 3:
It just brightened up my especially dull Monday morning. Totally.
Actually, it takes very little to make me happy.
I know this is totally random. Ha.
well, anyway, China bans Blogger, Xanga, Wordpress and Wikipedia. That means, I cannot read any blogs over here. And I can only post but I cannot view my own blog after I post.. How sad. It doesn't matter anyway, I reach home at like 8 everyday after dinner and a visit to the dvd shop we always frequent. That leaves me with little time to surf net and blog. Haha, we just got our hands on a set of HK mahjong so.... we couldnt be bothered with surfing net and watching movies anymore. We got a new and better past time. Going back home after work cannot be any better!
Oh 5 of us went up to Guangzhou during the weekend. Quite a miss-able place as in, you can totally skip the place if you are thinking of touring a city in China. Honestly, it's a messier and dirtier version of Shenzhen. With cheaper shopping. But the stuff there is seriously inferior in quality albeit the cheaper prices. One common thing you get to see while shopping in Guangzhou, especially in the street shopping areas, is the haggling over prices. Not to mention the messy crowd. Its really very maddening to shop under such circumstances. Well, I'm getting used to the shopping style here. I have better bargaining skills now. Haha, we will go, "Pian Yi dian..!" And we always use the walking away technique. If the shop owners do not want to sell us the price we quote or lower, we pretend to walk away and move to other shops selling almost the same range of products. 8 out of 10 times, we'll be asked back to the shop and they will give us the price we want. The annoyed look on their faces is a sense of satisfaction on our part. Heh, thats how we shop in Shenzhen. Like it or not, we have to get used to it.
One major event happened during the weeks I failed to come online to blog. I fell ill and I had fever for 2 nights. My first time having such a high fever of 39 degrees. And I was put on the drip in the company's clinic. My first time being put on the drip. So in that one week alone, I went for 2 drips, a butt injection to bring down my fever and a blood test to check if I have any major sickness. Quite an experience for me. Out of 5 workdays, I only worked on Monday, the rest of the week was spent resting in the company's clinic; lying on the bed with the drip. I had company though; my housemate, Alaska had stomach runs, so we were both put on the drip. A very much eventful week for the both of. Dear Qiuxin was like our nanny, bringing delivered porridge for lunch and reminding us to take our meds. Our managers were really helpful and caring too, offered to send us to the hospital (I almost had to go to the hospital the second day when my fever didnt seem to want to subside). Our VP even paid us a visit to offer meds from Singapore for us.
Anyhow, I'm back to my healthy self again. It was really an experience for both Alaska and I. We realised how blessed we are under such circumstances with so much care and concern coming from the people around us. In a place away from home, where the amenities are not as well developed as the ones back home, the simple concern and help shown to us really means a lot. God-sent really.
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