Friday, 28 September 2007
Wine Company is the place we went for wine on Thursday at Evans Road after a long and tiring day in school. Well, good company is the crazy bunch of SMU Human Resource (Performance Management & Compensation) classmates. Julez, Li Ping, Ash, Gary, May, Qihan (the only non-HR major) and I had a blast that night. Just writing this post makes me happy to know I've found wonderful friends in my boring PMC class.
It was a night of wine tasting and cheese tasting and for me, a discovery of wine drinking. And I love it! We were given somewhat a crash course by Gary (aka the sommelier among us). I love the german white wine (which the name is a super huge mouthful of german words) he picked for us. Cause its sweet-er. Anyway, we were the youngest bunch of people in the place. Yeah, pretenders of the chi-chi lifestyle. HAHA. But we are really not because we were the only people in the entire place to laugh out loud and play stupid but seriously fun games like Black Magic, How Many Meh Meh Jump Over the Fence, Who Does this Resemble, Bang Bang Who Dies and Annie Died, Did She Die?. If you have heard of and played those abovementioned games before, you would agree that no doubt they are lame but really really hilarious games to play in a huge group of people. Thankfully, we were seated outside and had no qualms about making alot of noise. In all, the 7 of us drank 3 bottles of whites and reds. No one got drunk.
LOL. Just thinking of the old-schools games brought back memories of playing them in secondary school and JC days. For awhile, instead of being a bunch of college students, we seemed to have gone back in time. I'm not sure if its the wine that made us feel more relaxed and less uptight, but it does feel so good to just not talk about school for once and just enjoy the company and the conversations.
We are serious about enjoying our senior year. So serious that we decided that thursdays will be set aside for events like this. Next up, Cafe Iguana! Looking forward already. This time round, I will remember to bring along my camera.
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
You Tube: We Live in Singapura By Hossan Leong.
Ok, I think this 'nationalistic' post came 1 month plus late (since I wasn't around for National Day).
Anyway, got this video from my schoolmate. A video of Hossan Leong, the home grown comedian making fun of the historial, political and social developments of Singapore in a satire manner. I wasted like 5 minutes of my time watching it. Anyhow, it was still super hilarious! Fancy doing that in the Parliament House! The cheek...
Hossan Leong is really FOS (Full Of Shit). HAHA.
Thursday, 20 September 2007
First and foremost, I declare a need for a new wardrobe. It's (and I emphasize here) not a want but its a need. You know, just in case, my boyfriend decides to say I just want a new wardrobe, for the sake of wanting a new "something". Well anyway, this paragraph is going abit senseless. Yah, the point is, I've been trying to squeeze all my hangers with my clothes into the wardrobe. The situation before is actually quite bad and now its getting worse. You should just see me standing there with 4 or 5 hangars with neatly pressed clothes in one hand, staring and looking for any teeny weeny space to cramp in those 4 or 5 hangars. When I don't see any available space, that's when the making space comes in, and then I heard creaking coming from the pole where loads of hangars hang from....Apparently, it's warning me, that it cannot make it past this year end without collapsing. By the way, It's an Ikea wardrobe and its been around for 7 years so the fallacy that Ikea furniture is not durable is quite flawed. Ok, unless your definition of durable is the ability to last at least a decade. But its Ikea here, so 7 years is already a long time. =)
Thankfully, the wardrobe is quite long-suffering, can tahan for such a long time.
Oh well, its really time to get a new wardrobe because creaking is not good. It means it can just give way and collapse anytime soon. And then you will hear my mum scream... Haha that's what I'm afraid of.
Not my wardrobe breaking. It's the aftermath. My mum's screams and incessant nagging. Hah, I guess it's time to ask my dad to drive me to Ikea and do some wardrobe shopping with me. Hm.
Okay, Oops sorry mum, hopefully my dad and mum doesn't read this.
I'm really loving FaceBook, not because of the really fun applications but because of the level of connectivity it gives to users. Yes, initially, it was really the novelty of the cool applications, what with sending virtual gifts, candies and drinks to friends, that made me sign in day in and day out. But now, it really brings a huge smile to my face everytime, someone I know has been added to my list of friends. And what brightened my day recently, was this add friend request from my long lost friend, Jing Xi from first 3 months class in JC. That rush of familiarity and all those lovely memories were just priceless. And FaceBook kinda made it so easy to keep in touch with lost friends. People, you have so easily forgotten and seemingly 'chucked' out of your life unknowingly.
Really, it brought back so many fond memories of Eileen, Jing Xi, Lychee (Li Qi, this other boy from VS who tagged along because he had a huge crush on JingXi) and I hanging out together. We skipped lectures together, scrippled notes and copied each others' homework during first 3 months. We were even huge supporters of the pool place (we even skipped classes just to play pool, HAHA) at the Meridian. They were my best buddies during those times. And now, we are in different places reaching different goals.
We are finally planning to meet up this year end for a get together since both of them are still studying in Australia while Eileen and I, in Singapore. It's really nice to meet up with long lost friends and getting to know them all over again.
Now, go sign up for FaceBook!. ;)
Sunday, 16 September 2007
My Sunday Mornings, Past, Present and Future.
As I was driving to church this morning and singing along to familiar Praise and Worship songs with my mum and sis, it feels really great to be up on a lovely Sunday morning. Lovely weather. Lovely family and a Loving God.
Sundays Before December 2003.
My typical Sundays start at 1pm. Sometimes perhaps 2pm. And I usually woke up feeling grouchy and irritable. Come to think of it, I'm still figuring out what on earth did I do on my Sundays before I go to church. Life back was just a fuzzy blur of events. Ah well, nevermind, thats not the main point.
The point is, my Sunday mornings and in fact my life are really never the same again after 25 December 2003. If there was a date that I can state as a turning point in life, that would be it. The Christmas of 2003.
And I know, for the many more Sundays to come, my mornings will be spent in church with my family and of course with the extended family of God. It's really my prayer that in the long run, my entire family and even my future family will go to church together. And after church, the kids will go to Sunday School, the grandparents will go for line dancing (HAHA) in the MellowGreen community in church. Haha, yeah, sounds to be an idealistic thinking. But I believe in God with all my heart, that is how my Sundays in the near and far future will be like.
James 1:5-6
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
And I love this old hymn which LeAnn Rimes did a cover version of.
[I Know Who Holds My Tomorrows]
I don't know about tomorrow
I just live from day to day
And I don't borrow from its sunshine
'Cause the skies might turn to grey.
And I don't worry about the future,
'Cause I know what Jesus said,
And today I'm gonna walk right beside him
'Cause he's the one who knows what is ahead
There are things about tomorrow
That I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand
And each step is getting brighter
As the golden stairs I climb
And every burden is getting lighter
And all the clouds are silver lined
There the sun is always shining
And no tears will ever dim the eye
And the ending of the rainbow
Where the mountains touch the sky
There are many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand
Yes I know who holds my hand.
Ain't it so wonderful to be assured.
Everytime I start fretting over my annoying career options, I'll think of this song. It is just this innate desire to land myself in a well paying and satisfying job which gives me undue worries and pressure.
It's really time to step back and allow God to intervene.
Saturday, 15 September 2007
One of the hardest things I had to learn.
2 years on, I have never regretted taking up this challenge.
Now, why didn't I have the chance to get my pool lessons done in this amazing swimming pool?!

Monday, 10 September 2007
This slow pace is making me want to scream out loud. The boredom is really killing me. (for lack of a far better phrase, but I do think this phrase is good enough to describe how I'm feeling right now).
Just 5 minutes ago, I was desperately trying to read up on my Performance Management and Compensation notes and all I see are words staring back at me. Nothing is sinking in. I wonder how some SMU students can read pages after pages of concepts and still managed to digest everything in. Where's the inertia to get going? I think that word doesn't exist in their dictionary.
I'm just in my usual dilly-dallying mode. This sounds silly, but it do brightens my day to know that I have friends who are slacking alongside me. Friends who are feeling equally un-motivated to do some serious work. It's like the notion of "safety in numbers". But, the numbers will start to decrease once the momentum of the passing schools weeks starts.
And I've been feeling really out of sorts these days. It's a mix of different issues which seemingly have gotten themselves stuck at the back of my sub-conscious mind.
Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.
Friday, 7 September 2007
I was browsing through some old pictures and I literally looked at all the folders of photos I have piled up in my laptop.
And I am glad I did take 10 minutes from my work to do some slacking...
Because, I found these pictures, and it made me realized that nothing is too daunting to overcome in relationship when there are so many lovely memories involved. It's like having beautiful weather again after a storm.
Sometime in Year 2006 (I think)
Taken when we were desperately bored at Mos Burger. Me, who cannot walk another inch with my blistered feet and him, who had no choice but to keep me company. We were comparing who has more flabs under our chins.
Early July 2006 -World Cup
We were at the live screening of Germany Vs. Argentina in front of PS mall. I was the only girl there hanging out with a bunch of guys. You know, girlfriends are supposed to root for whichever team that the boyfriends support right. No, I was rooting hard for the german team and he was hoping Argentina will take the win. Nevertheless, it was great fun shouting along with the boys.
Sometime in 2005; when I got mad at him for I-don't-remember what. And he proceeded on to take a candid shot of me frowning and looking away. He really don't take me seriously sometimes. HAHA. oh well.
Ha, this was a random one. Same day, same bench, different moods. Yeap, he was shocked too.
Well, oh alright, I think this post is seriously too Jax-overload.
But I guess he deserves some airtime 'cause I've been really nasty to him of late. With all my crazy mood swings and tantrums, it's even a wonder why he haven dumped me yet. =\
I guess at this point in time, I can think of great incidents or examples of love. But it doesn't matter cause its really the small things that count.
Sometimes I give up too easily when I get mad. And I'm glad you said, "We can make it through and we can work things out".
If you know me well enough, you will most likely go, this is so unlike me. This post will seem really very 'off' for you (as it is for me even though I wrote it=\)
Monday, 3 September 2007
I've decided to change my background colour to plain white.
Thanks to Marie and Kavi who thinks my background colour is too glaring for comfortable reading. =\
On second thoughts, I might give up on blogging for good.
ayeee. Cannot be bothered.
Oh by the way, check out my huge ass picture on my header. Erms, I have no idea how to re-size it. Let me know if you know how to, okay. Would appreciate it much! Thankews!~
Saturday, 1 September 2007
28th August 2007
Max Brenner's Chocolate Bar
It was the eve of Eileen's birthday. Hence I brought her to the chocolate bar to give her a small chocolate treat. We ordered the suckao drink (which is pretty tiny but interesting little drink) and the fondue which has 3 kinds of chocolate to dip into.

Basically, you just have to mix the chocolate bits into the warm milk and stir. Yah, super DIY.
Chocolate makes us 2 happy girls.
31 August 2007
"Impressmu" Bash

Yeah, pictures taken at the freshmen bash. It was one of the worst bash I've been to. Shan't harb on it any further. Anyway, the night turned out to be pretty alright after we left MoS and decided to indulge in chocolate fondue (yes, again, 2nd fondue in a week) and icecream + brownie.
So its true, chocolate does make us happier people.
And oh, I've watched Evan Almighty (the downloaded version but it was good quality stuff, thanks to Jax). Thankfully, we saved the 9.50 because the storyline was kind of flat and well, forgettable.
*I am clueless why the photos ended up in such weird positions, but ah well... Just leave them as they are.*