Monday, 10 September 2007

A Huge Bout of Inertia.

This slow pace is making me want to scream out loud. The boredom is really killing me. (for lack of a far better phrase, but I do think this phrase is good enough to describe how I'm feeling right now).

Just 5 minutes ago, I was desperately trying to read up on my Performance Management and Compensation notes and all I see are words staring back at me. Nothing is sinking in. I wonder how some SMU students can read pages after pages of concepts and still managed to digest everything in. Where's the inertia to get going? I think that word doesn't exist in their dictionary.

I'm just in my usual dilly-dallying mode. This sounds silly, but it do brightens my day to know that I have friends who are slacking alongside me. Friends who are feeling equally un-motivated to do some serious work. It's like the notion of "safety in numbers". But, the numbers will start to decrease once the momentum of the passing schools weeks starts.

And I've been feeling really out of sorts these days. It's a mix of different issues which seemingly have gotten themselves stuck at the back of my sub-conscious mind.

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

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