Thursday, 15 November 2007

The Answer

I teared in school today; nearing the end of Retail Management class.

I was feeling damn shitty the entire day. Woke up this morning at 6 with a super bad sore eye which scared the hell out of me. Because it was really damn red and it looks like my left eye was bleeding. And the worst thing is, I can't take the day off since my RM presentation was scheduled today. and, the cab ride to school costs a bomb as I had the 3D model to lug to school.

It is really one of those lousy moments.

I couldn't take it anymore when I saw my test score. I did way below expectations and right there and then, my vision just blurred. I was trying so hard not to let my tears fall.

This is one of the rare moments you see me looking so listless and moodless the entire day.

And Corrinne May's song, The Answer cheered me up. It's really such a lovely (in a somewhat melodiously melancholic kind of way) short piece.

I believe you are the answer to every tear I’ve cried
I believe that you are with me,My rising and my light.

Give me strength when I am weary
Give me hope when I can’t see
Through the crosses I must carry
Lord, bind my heart to thee

That when all my days are over and all my chores are done,
I may see your risen Glory
Forever where You are.

I know I might risk portraying myself as being a very emotional person when I say this. But I teared all over again when I see the lyrics and hear the song.

This time, they were shed for a better reason than over just a puny quiz score which is worth only 15% of my total grade.

Thank you God, for that song which knocked some sense into me and reminded me that you are with me every step of the way. I know You won't let me fall.

And Thank You for the wonderful and encouraging friends you blessed me with in school. In fact, all the girlfriends, friends and loved ones You blessed me with.


Another one.

Angel in Disguise -Corrinne May

It's really heartwarming to listen to her songs. Just oozes with simple meaningfulness.

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