Thursday, 29 May 2008

Steamboat with the Sz peeps

14 May 2008

One year on. Exactly one year from my first day in China for my internship. Time really flies. Enough said about that.

Gathering the China way. Yuan Yang Steamboat. It does bring back fond memories of super duper cheap and good steamboat meals in China. It was really steamboat all the way. The amount of steamboat dinners back in China was enough to last me for the rest of 2007.

My roomies. the folks whom have seen me do the laundry and the toilet washing. We hanged up each others' undies. Haha.
Our fave hangout in Sz. Even back in Sg, we cannot get enough of Starbucks. Oh just a little trivia, Starbucks in China is known as Xing Ba Ke. Pardon my hanyupinyin. Its so easy to remember cause its just a literal translation from English to Mandarin.

Hang man partner.

That's all for now. Still too lazy to upload the ton of aussie pictures. =X
Oh and finally, I just submitted my resumes. YAY! First step. Let Your Grace abound for this job search aspect.

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