Wednesday, 9 May 2007

ok, right now, I'm feeling the pre-departure jitters already. Kinda too early, I know. I have approximately 1.5 days to go. To be honest, my excitement level is somewhat less than the typical holiday trip's excitement level. Usually, I should be all ready to go, set off to somewhere new and interesting for a getaway. Hm,the way I see it, this trip is kind of far from a getaway, there's this nagging feeling I'm going to China for an internship, in other words, work.

What's with me?!

Pre-departure blues.

Anyway, Spiderman 3 was way beyond awesome. Totally love it! In my opinion, the best installment to date. So love the special effects. And the Green Goblin guy, Harry Osborn makes a not bad eye candy material. Haha, even youie thinks so! I hope Pirates will be equally good or even better!

Haha, got this blog trivia thingy from Sixpeg's blog,

Create your own Friend Test here

take the test! Just for fun =)!

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