Friday, 4 May 2007


With STILL pending photos. The result of my laziness to bring along my camera for every outing. I just like to pass this photo uploading chore to my friends. Ha, such a meanie.

Well, I just have to wait then.

Saturday 28th April

Cooking session at CG:

My stir-fried broccoli with beef and toufu turned out to be pretty much edible. Haha, it looks good, I must say. But it turned out to be quite salty cause I added in too much oyster sauce. Jax told me oyster sauce works wonders for any chinese stir fry dish, so I just pour in the oyster sauce using the most common method - agar-ration method.

At the end of the day, the result was not too bad though. I got an approving nod from the 'main chef'. He said it was not bad, alittle too salty and the beef was slightly overcooked.

Sunday 29th April

Sushi with the girls (those are not pinned down by horrid exam preparation)

Youie was there! Haha she's an excellent slacker. With 2 papers in the week, she still never fails to meet up for a catching up session. We ate a good deal of food and took truckloads of crazy photos. We kinda parked ourselves there for a good 2 hours just to finish our food and come up with lame ass poses for the camera.

Tuesday Labour Day Special

"Fun in the sun" event organised by the Young Adult Ministry in church. Yeaps, those who are between the ages 19 to 35 are considered as young adults. I have no idea how they came up with the definition of young adults and then go on to categorize the ages accordingly. But its still pretty comforting for those who are 30-ish with their adorable kids in tow, to be considered as young. Young at heart!

It was a day of games, orientation style. Talk about nostalgia. Surprisingly, I enjoyed myself. I don't really like orientation games, but the games we played are quite original. I didn't mind being splashed with water bombs and having mud splattered legs.

I guess, this goes to tell me; certain stuff might seem to be a little childish, a little too silly at times, but if we just play along, be a sport, it'll turn out to be even more fun than we've expected. We'll never too old to indulge in some silly, lame ass and sometimes seemingly childish stuff. Seriously, there's nothing wrong to loosen up and have silly fun at times.

Talking about fun, Mind cafe is really one place to check out for some really cool, interesting and 'never heard let alone play' sorta games. The 7 of us made our way there for some long overdue post exam fun and get together session. We went to the Mind Cafe @ Prinsep Street which is just across school. It's so much bigger than the branch at Boat Quay.

Thanks jules for the pictures!
Lunch at Pasta mania first. I'm not feeling well, hence the paler than usual complexion.
With lovely Julez (I love her jet black bangs!)

Ellena, sneaking up behind me.

Qihan. Julez and I got to know him during our NDP ushers days. Seriously, there're friends in SMU whom I have no idea how we met and became good friends.

Okies, the games.

A game of Taboo. Haha, I love taboo but I suck at describing. I'm alright with guessing though.

oops, Did I say the wrong word. Xin trying hard to explain a cheem word to us.

Oh there's this really fun and amusing game, Smarty Pants. It tests you on simple trivia and general knowledge on stuff like geography, the states in the US starting with the alphabets "I" and "A". I love the questions like, "Name the folklore cures for hiccups". Heh, now we know, how much on earth we know on trivia and such. Seriously, there are tonnes of things we do not know.

Anyway, all the games we played are non-strategic. All those really lame and silly games. Don't wanna get our brains fried. HAHA

Mark and Qiu Xin are serious in thought.

Julez and Li Ping

The couple; Mark and Ellena. Sucha small world. Mark's my OG mate and Ellena, my year 1 classmate. Who would have thought they would end up together! And the best thing is, we are all friends.

The whole lot.

I guess most people would think friends in SMU come and go. But not with this group of friends. I have my fair share of knowing people and working with them for projects just for the term and we ended up as mere acquaintances. Strangers we smile to. So I'm glad I got to know the good friends I have in school now, although we are all from different disciplines. We are really a chapalang group - the marketing, finance, economics, HR and the corp comms folks.

Till next time, friends! Will miss hanging out with you guys when I'm in Shenzhen for 3 months. =\

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