Saturday, 5 January 2008

New Year Margaritas

HR Folks (FINALLY) gathered at Cafe Iguana for that long awaited glass(es) of Macho Margarita.

They are not called Macho for nothing. Getting the best of both the Mango and Lime Margaritas

May, all hail the Margarita Queen. ;)

Group photo (from the right, Eunice, Li Ping, Gary, Hui Xin's boyfriend,Kenny, Huixin, May and me). Missing the company of both Julez, Qiu Xin, Qihan and Ash. Drinking somehow ain't the same without them.

Desserts at Riciotto. The girls all love the Soffiato (chocolate molten souffle cake). Gary and Kenny couldn't understand why girls are so mad over chocolate. Guys... *shakes heads*


Cookout at Qihan's place.

I was in charge of cooking mushroom and beef pasta and mini pizzas (the same ones youie did for our cookout). It took the 6 of us 2 hours to prepare just a simple meal of pasta, potato salad, omelette and spicy steamed chicken wings. The best dish, in my opinion is Julez's steamed chicken wings. Everyone gobbled up the chicken wings first.

Movie time. We watched Shutter T_T. Which scared the crap out of me. Haha, but Qiuxin looked more terrfied than me in most of the pictures...

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