Friday, 18 January 2008

Sudden Realization and Movies Mania

When I woke up this morning and was lazing in bed, It suddenly dawned on me that, I'm turning 23 in less than a month!

Oh dear, age is really catching up. I want to be forever 21.
Oh well, age is just a number. Being young is not tied to a number!
I was looking at GV's Sneaks and Upcoming movie list and I have so many movies I want to catch!

Like this,

With one of my favorite Hollywood actors. He's easily my sister's TOP TOP favorite actor.

But I have a feeling (by reading the synopsis), it's gonna be gory and gut wrenching bloody.

And definitely this,
nothing can stop me from watching this in the cinema. Absolutely no livestreaming and no downloading please for this one.

Adaptation from the book, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. I'm going to read the book again.

And this, just because I have not seen a Brad Pitt movie for ages and I want to see how he has really aged. ok. That's quite a lame and lousy reason to watch this film. In my opinion, his best film is still Seven Years in Tibet. Not because he looks the best in that film or anything like that. Sadly, He USED to be my favorite Hollywood actor.


Dive trip to Dayang anyone? Open to SMU students. I want to dive at least once before I start work. Even if it means going back to Dayang again. I want to catch mini sharks and rays which I missed seeing the last trip. =( I was blessed to see an entire school of gi-normous bumphead parrotfish and barracudas but I didn't see the mini sharks which would have been even more awesome.

Youie, if NTU dive team goes to Dayang and nobody wants to go with me on the smu trip, I want to hitch a ride. =D But then again, I don't have a buddy unless I managed to persuade Jax to go along. I need more diver-friends.....

You can tell I'm getting desperate to dive here. The underwater world is just so amazing and beautiful that getting that dive certification is one of the best things that happened in my life. I bet you guys never know this, but Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney Fairytale and it kinda inspired me from young to explore the underwater world. Back then, when I was a kid, I don't think I ever knew such a thing called scuba diving actually existed.

And ultimately, I got my wish fulfilled, a decade later.

Under the sea, Under the sea, darling it's better.

I'm such a Disney fairytale person. Sometimes, I wish I was a little girl again.

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