Thursday, 24 April 2008
Heading to Oz.
The thing I am looking most forward to, is meeting up with Wanzhi. I miss her. And the last time I saw her was close to year ago when she saw me off on my China internship trip. She flew off to Sydney before I came back to Sg. Girls, I will definitely give her one huge bear hug on all your behalf. And...since she will be bringing me to this famous chocolate cafe, I will slurp up all the chocolate stuff on your behalf too. Haha, and most probably put on more weight.
23rd april: A date I remembered for the last 2 years and I think I will remember this date for a long time to come. It feels different yet, it does feel the same. I seriously do not know anymore. Just feels like staying in Australia permanently. Ya, the walk away me. I tend to skirt the issue and run along and do something to distract me so I won't dwell too much. Good and bad, I guess.
Feeling crappy and pretty much moodless the last few days. Don't feel like eating and talking much. PMS mood. The problem is, it's post not, pre. Went for high tea at this place called Carousel with Jax today. Didn't feel like eating much despite the spread of food.
And Harold and Kumar the prequel is totally gross this time round. Super duper sick humor. The cockmeat sandwich scene was out of this world sick. Laugh out loud twisted comedy with the stupidestly funny script ever. The first film I saw 2 grown men kissing which is sick. The entire audience just went ew. And I think I covered my face with my hand. T_T Seriously, don't waste money watching this show. Just watch live streaming on movie6 or something.
ok, bye friends. See you when I am back.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
2 Expos in one week.
It was overall, a really good experience. 2.5 hours just flew past while Shao, Jax, Fred and Youie and I were there. Loads of dive equip, familar faces from the dive community and diving instructors who suddenly turned into sales people at the expo. It is so weird to see my instructor Vincent all clothed up! Lol, too used to seeing him half-naked. =\ I kept him pretty busy asking him for help in choosing a suitable mask and fins (which I decided not to get in the end). Oh, and it was a nice surprise bumping into Yuying and her boyfriend at the expo as well. It seems like half the people I know are there at the dive expo which is really great.
Sadly, I only bought a snorkel plus mask, a pointer and a hand grip combo.
I didn't buy my fins and wet suit. I was really tempted to buy this pair of blood red stripes fins.
And Shao, you really shouldn't have sent me the reviews on those Atomic fins!! Now, I regret not buying those blood red striped split fins which would have looked super cool underwater. With that pair, I can say goodbye to black ugly fins from BBC (the only ones around which can fit my feet size).
Tadah, the fierce looking blood red Atomic split fins (the best performing type of fins, according to dive-tests)
Has got to do with the entire ergonomics stuff.My instructor was like, "if you want to get this fins, you should get a red and black suit too. That way you can colour coordinate." Apparently, the jap divers are very into colour coordination when it comes to dive gear. Think pink mask, snorkel, suit, and fins. Haha overkill!
Question: Will sharks be attracted to red fins?
Atomic Aquatics Reef Red
This latest version of Atomic's sturdy SplitFin gets its name from the bright red flexible panels on its split blade. According to Atomic, the fin's base material is similar to last year's Liquid Blue, but has an added ingredient that increases elasticity over previous SplitFins. It's also lighter than its predecessors. Like earlier SplitFins, the Reef Red sports a longer-than-average blade--the longest split fin blade in this group. In spite of its length, the fin easily scoots around underwater corners. The tight turns of the slalom course were conquered just two seconds shy of the front-runner XT's best time, and the fin ran neck and neck with the XT on the efficiency course. On the speed course, the Reef Red heats up the water, regardless of fin kick, but it really showed its stuff on the ergo dives. It's powerful yet stable when streaking through blue water, and easy to control down among the corals. The Reef Red was rated Excellent for donning and doffing thanks to the EZ-Lok buckles. To detach, you simply squeeze both tabs and slip the buckle off the post. To attach, slide it onto the post where it clicks into place. For the past three years, the EZ-Lok has been rated the best buckle system by test divers.
Test Diver Comments "They're like Mercury's winged boots ... Nice-fitting foot pocket. Good all-around performance ... Best buckle of the group ... Everything I want--power, agility, speed. I just love these fins."
ah well. it was going at a price of 145 at the expo. Retail price was 200 plus close to 300. I missed a fairly good deal. It is alright, I will definitely get those fins sooner than later.
At the end of the day, Youie got the best deal. A full body Oceanic wet suit for 89 dollars.
Diving is such an expensive sport eh. But its worth it.
Anyway, Food and Hotel Asia story another day. Tired from standing and walking the entire day.
Till next time when I have better and more interesting stuff to talk about.
Monday, 21 April 2008
What I learnt...
Dear Friends
God reminded us: In Everything, Give Thanks!
Let us trust the Lord and surrender to Him, what He needs to do.
Closed Doors vs. Opened Doors
We need to learn to thank the Lord for closed doors just as much as we do for open doors. The reason God closes doors is because He has not prepared anything over there for us. If He didn't close the wrong door we would never find our way to the right door. Even when we don't realize it, God directs our paths through the closing and opening of doors. When one door closes, it forces us to change our course. Another door closes; it forces us to change our course yet again. Then finally, we find the open door and walk right into our blessing.
But in our circumstances, we sometimes, instead of praising God for the closed door (which kept us out of trouble), we get upset because we 'judge by the appearances. ' And in our own arrogance, or ignorance, we insist that we know what is right. We need to know that we have a God who is our very present help in the time of need. And He is always standing guard. Because He walks ahead of us, He can see trouble down the road and He sets up road blocks and detours accordingly. But through our lack of wisdom we try to tear down the roadblocks or push aside the detour signs. Then the minute we get into trouble, we start crying, 'Lord how could this happen to me?' We have got to realize that the closed door was a blessing. Didn't He say that 'No good thing will He withhold from them that love Him?'
If you get terminated from your job - don't be down, instead thank God for the new opportunities that will manifest themselves in His time - it might be a better job, or an opportunity to go back to graduate school.
If that man or woman won't return your call - it might not be them, it might be the Lord setting up a roadblock (just let it go).
One time a person had a bank he had been doing business with for many years tell him 'NO' for a $10,000 loan. The Lord led him to call another bank. That bank approved a $40,000 loan for him at a lower interest rate than his own bank had advertised.
I'm so grateful, for the many times God has closed doors to me, just to open them in the most unexpected places. 'The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way.' (Psalms 37:23) The Mountain top is glorious, but it is in the Valley that I will grow!
Always Remember God gives you...
Happiness to keep you Sweet
Trials to keep you Strong
Sorrows to keep you Human
Hope to keep you joyful
Failure to keep you Humble
Success to keep you Eager
Friends to give you Comfort
Wealth to meet your Needs
Enthusiasm to make you look forward
Faith to banish depression, and
Determination! to make each day a better day than the last.
Life must be lived forward but can only be understood backwards (upon hindsight). Commit to the Lord in whatever you do and your plans will succeed. (Proverbs 16:3)
'Rowing harder doesn't help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction'
Other really non-related randoms:
I've signed up for a viwawa account! Like finally. Jax reminded me to.
And I find the doll thingy really dumb! HAHA, my doll is a naked boy doll because I, absolutely cannot be bothered to clothe it. Anyway, it does look special naked since all the other players' dolls are dressed up. And yeah, I am still at level one. Let's see if I can be hooked to it (as what others have warned about viwawa and that is the primary reason I stayed clear of it until after exams). I played mahjong and was tempted to play bridge but, I can't find myself getting hook to playing. Its just way off from real life playing when you can chit chat and laugh with your friends.
Oh and there's packing which I really sucked at because I keep going, "should I bring this?, and Should I bring that?" Is it really necessary..? No I shouldn't and erh maybe I should"
Saturday, 19 April 2008
For so many things. The top of the mind thanksgiving is of course, for the end of the exams. It is the THE end of exams. It's like saying a huge farewell to an old companion whom sadly, I am very glad to say goodbye to.
Strategy exam has been surprisingly, a breeze to sit through. All thanks to a fellow project mate who so kindly emailed us a past year paper and shockingly, I went to do the paper. And to my delight, half of the true false questions and some of the MCQ questions came up in the final paper. Anyway, whatever it is, I am so grateful.
As for Malay, I seriously think it's the easiest paper ever in SMU because, the professor gave us the exact same paper he gave us for our exam practice. And I went to do it (which is very unlike me.) So it was just an exam where I just had to copy my answers unto the actual exam paper itself (the exam is open notes and OPEN LAPTOP, we can use online dictionary). When I left the exam hall, it just felt surreal to acknowledge the fact that there is no more mugging ever to be done, no more calculations and no more essays to be written. Its as if, I am closing an invisible door to my student life.
HAHA, oh well, what a good ending to all my exams in my formal education. If only I had it so easy during A and O levels.
Another exciting mini event that's happening. I am (for the first time), leading worship during cell group this Sunday. A new experience which I thank God for. Its the first step in serving in church. Ok, its no doubt, a tiny one, but a journey takes a single step no matter how small it is. If there is an area in church where I want to serve in, it's definitely worship and Sunday school (cause of the cute little ones). And I got Aaron as my guitarist. So I pray that it's gonna be an anointed time of worship with my new cg friends.
The songs I chose...
Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness.
Opened my eyes, let me see.
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You
Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
Altogether worthy,
Altogether wonderful to me
King of all days
oh, so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven above
Humbly You came To the earth You created
All for love's sake became poor
Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
Altogether worthy,
Altogether wonderful to me
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
2. I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever (one of my fave worship song during JC 2 days)
Over the mountains and the sea,
Your river runs with love for me,
and I will open up my heart and let the Healer set me free.
I'm happy to be in the truth, and I will daily lift my hands:
for I will always sing of when Your love came down. [Yeah!]
I could sing of Your love forever,
I could sing of Your love forever,
I could sing of Your love forever,
I could sing of Your love forever.
Oh, I feel like dancing -it's foolishness I know;but,
when the world has seen the light,they will dance with joy,like we're dancing now.
3. What Can I do
When I see the beauty
Of the sunset’s glory
Amazing artistry
Across the evening sky
When I feel the mystery
Of a distant galaxy
It awes and humbles me
To be loved by a God so high
What can I do but thank you
What can I do but give
My life to you
Hallelujah, hallelujah
What can I do but praise you
Every day make everything I do
A hallelujah, a hallelujah
When I hear the story
Of a God of mercy
Who shared humanity
And suffered by our side
Of the cross they nailed you to
That could not hold you
Now you’re making all things new
By the power of your risen life
God, Thank you for what you have done and for the countless showers of blessings. You have indeed made all things new and lovely. It is an opportunity to serve in Cg and I pray that you have great plans for me to serve your kingdom. Take away the spirit of timidity and replace it with one of courage, to take a bold step in serving with a joyful heart. Amen.
Monday, 14 April 2008
Dive Expo 2008
Dive Expo is back again!
Suntec Singapore (Hall 602 and 603)
18 - 20 April 2008 (Friday – Sunday)
18 April Trade only
19 – 20 April All visitors
Opening Hours:
11.00 am – 7.00 pm
TMX Show Productions Pte Ltd
Looking forward to getting good deals for dive equipment. Big Bubble Center is having a booth which means I can drop by to say hi to the dive instructors.
on the topic of expos, I am looking forward to the Food & Hospitality Asia Expo come april as well. This time round, I will be helping out at my dad's booth which is gonna be huge. I go and help out by eating and talking. Marie, remember we used to work part time during the 2004 expo? My dad was my employer and my dad's friend was your exployer at that time. I got 10 bucks per hour for sitting and collecting namecards. HAHA. and we went around eating all the freebies. So fun and singaporean-like.
You can take a Singaporean out of Singapore, but you can't take Singapore out of a Singaporean. Agree?
Ok, back to studying. Bye.
Plugged in to this song while studying, Only Love - Lenny LeBlanc
What could make this world a better place
Nothing less than amazing grace
What could help the lonely ones endure
I believe I've found a miracle cure
Only love could bridge the great divide
Only love can move a mountain
Only love could ever change my heart
Only the love of my Jesus
Only the love of my Savior
You sacrificed everything for me
Made a guilty man so free
Sinless hands nailed to a cross
What would make You wanna
Die for the lost
Only love could ever change
This heart of stone
Only love could ever lead
Me home
Only love could bridge the great divide
Only love can move a mountian
Only love could ever change my heart
Only the love of my Jesus
Only the love of my Savior
With You, studying is a breeze. You take away my worries and anxieties.
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. - 1 Peter 5:7
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Last Study Week
Not this exams though. Because I had fun studying for it. Yah, another crazy statement. I have no idea if its the -last term already, last term grades won't significantly affect GPA- mentality or what. But, we simply lack the motivation to study much.
We took photos.
We bring our soft toys to study with us. Kallis and Wanling (both very soft-toy-ey people) brought their 15-year old Octos they got from Marina Square.
See the difference? Wan's one was so old and hugged so much, that the eyes came out and she had to colour them herself. And the hat has gone missing.

Fako muggers. What posers. HAHAHA...

We got sick of studying even before we started on any revision...
NDP pal, Qihan, who came along to study with us girls. Big mistake.
Anyway, I will always remember him as the guy who came to talk to me about him wanting to lose weight, the very first time we met. Haha, strangers became friends with the start of the strangest conversations. Missing Jules.. =X The 3 of us are the original trio of the NDP '05 ushers gang. Sigh, miss those days of free KFC meals, slacking during breaks, and catching cheap firework thrills.
I will miss studying. I will miss laughing out loud and watching Grey's and Heroes when I shouldn't be in the first place when I should be studying hard.
Thank You, Lord, for surrounding me with lovely friends from my pre-school days right up to my college days. School life isn't the same without them around.
Here's a big thank you for my different cliques of friends from school days!
The lovelies from Sec School - Marie, Youie, Kavi, Yvette, Yu Ying, Shirong, Chithira, Eileen, Hanyan, Wanzhi and last but not least, Ellie.
Junior college - My worst years in my school years. Marie and Benjamin, Thank God for you guys. Actually, I seriously think my brain was somewhat in a comatose and vegetative state during these 2 years. Oh well, I am grateful I survived it.
And college days. What can I say? The second best 4 years next to sec school days - the final 4 years of school life. College life comes with the most number of cliques. People do come and go during these 4 years but thankfully, there are mainstayers who have provided much entertainment, laughter and joy.
Year One G1 group. HR folks. Shenzhen Gang. Misc straddlers (who straddle between different groups). Chillout group. UBC peeps (Vanny, you are the only active friend in this group. HA)
It was indeed an amazing journey and we have came a long way to the finishing line of our formal education. Well done graduating people! We truly deserve a pat on our backs. =)
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Obama vs. Clinton
But, if you were to ask me, who I think should win the presidental elections, I would say Barack Obama. If I were a US citizen, he will get my vote.
(I know this is kinda a passe topic. Oh well. It doesn't matter cause I feel like talking about it now)
Because of his "Yes, We can" inspirational speech at New Hampshire, Jan 2008....
"We know the battle ahead will be long, but always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can withstand the power of millions of voices calling for change.
We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics who will only grow louder and more dissonant in the weeks to come. We’ve been asked to pause for a reality check. We’ve been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope.
But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope. For when we have faced down impossible odds; when we’ve been told that we’re not ready, or that we shouldn’t try, or that we can’t, generations of Americans have responded with a simple creed that sums up the spirit of a people.
Yes we can.
It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.
Yes we can.
It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom through the darkest of nights.
Yes we can.
It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.
Yes we can.
It was the call of workers who organized; women who reached for the ballot; a President who chose the moon as our new frontier; and a King who took us to the mountaintop and pointed the way to the Promised Land.
Yes we can to justice and equality. Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity. Yes we can heal this nation. Yes we can repair this world. Yes we can.
And so tomorrow, as we take this campaign South and West; as we learn that the struggles of the textile worker in Spartanburg are not so different than the plight of the dishwasher in Las Vegas; that the hopes of the little girl who goes to a crumbling school in Dillon are the same as the dreams of the boy who learns on the streets of LA; we will remember that there is something happening in America; that we are not as divided as our politics suggests; that we are one people;we are one nation; and together, we will begin the next great chapter in America’s story with three words that will ring from coast to coast; from sea to shining sea - Yes. We. Can."
Change is good for America and Obama has the guts to champion this change movement.
I really hope these words come from Obama himself, and not some unseen, behind the scene speech writer.
Anyway, my dad and I both support Obama.
While we were watching primetime news on CNN earlier this year, and they were showing coverage on the elections,
Dad: "Who are you supporting?"
Me: Obama. He gives a good and credible vibe"
Dad: "Great minds think alike"
@_@ HAHA. You only talk about such stuff with dads, I have no idea WHY!
I seriously hope and pray that my kids talk to me about such "serious" stuff next time. Sigh, why are mums always being side-lined.
ok, I will make an effort to talk more to my mum other than stuff on shopping, traveling and clothes. Sounds fair enough eh.
Doodling around
(yes, I still put on masks at this time. I find it theraputic in some ways. But I always freak my mum out when I come out of the toilet with that black-ed face in the middle of the night. Oh well.)
Ok, so while waiting for the mask to dry... I checked out this month's movie list for SQ. What I like to do when I take SQ. Yay, they have the best line up of inflight entertainment.
the awesome thing is, we are leaving in April and coming back in May... So we get to have different line up of movies since it's 2 different months.
Great for people like me, who can't sleep on flights.
Grad trippers, check it out.
I lack the motivation to study. Not good.
Lacking the motivation to study is only valid for people who landed themselves a job.
Oh well, I am still not that eager to work. So I shall take my time. I am crazy but I need to finalize the traveling first before I can actually plan when to work. Super unorthodox.
Taking a leap of faith.
Monday, 7 April 2008
Where the Love Lasts Forever
Looked at the picture folder again. Wrong move.
Final lap of the SMU education. Let's finish well.
Sunday, 6 April 2008
YA Ministry
Can't wait for the PlanetShakers (a famous Australian worship band) worship concert at Sg Expo come this friday.
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Farewell SMU
I am now looking at the seminar room which I am in right now. I hate to admit it, but I will really miss logging on to MSN and engaging in mass conversations during class. I will miss taking down notes using my laptop in class.
Oh well, Farewell to 15 years of formal education.
This is only the beginning of more to come. =)
Even though I don't really want to enter the working world this soon, I will nevertheless, welcome it with joy.
Because I can be sure of Your promises that ALL things will work out for good. Even though my mind and the present circumstances (I am still unemployed!) tells me otherwise, I believe that God will enable me to conquer the odds!