Monday, 21 April 2008

What I learnt...

The last post-exam life. When there's nothing I want to do except just slack full time and not care about anything. I was checking my personal email box and I got this really encouraging forwarded email from my cg leader, Chui Li. Just want to share with those of you who might be going through a crossroad phase in your life. I pray that the message encourages you as much as it encourages me.

Dear Friends

God reminded us: In Everything, Give Thanks!

Let us trust the Lord and surrender to Him, what He needs to do.

Closed Doors vs. Opened Doors

We need to learn to thank the Lord for closed doors just as much as we do for open doors. The reason God closes doors is because He has not prepared anything over there for us. If He didn't close the wrong door we would never find our way to the right door. Even when we don't realize it, God directs our paths through the closing and opening of doors. When one door closes, it forces us to change our course. Another door closes; it forces us to change our course yet again. Then finally, we find the open door and walk right into our blessing.

But in our circumstances, we sometimes, instead of praising God for the closed door (which kept us out of trouble), we get upset because we 'judge by the appearances. ' And in our own arrogance, or ignorance, we insist that we know what is right. We need to know that we have a God who is our very present help in the time of need. And He is always standing guard. Because He walks ahead of us, He can see trouble down the road and He sets up road blocks and detours accordingly. But through our lack of wisdom we try to tear down the roadblocks or push aside the detour signs. Then the minute we get into trouble, we start crying, 'Lord how could this happen to me?' We have got to realize that the closed door was a blessing. Didn't He say that 'No good thing will He withhold from them that love Him?'

If you get terminated from your job - don't be down, instead thank God for the new opportunities that will manifest themselves in His time - it might be a better job, or an opportunity to go back to graduate school.

If that man or woman won't return your call - it might not be them, it might be the Lord setting up a roadblock (just let it go).

One time a person had a bank he had been doing business with for many years tell him 'NO' for a $10,000 loan. The Lord led him to call another bank. That bank approved a $40,000 loan for him at a lower interest rate than his own bank had advertised.

I'm so grateful, for the many times God has closed doors to me, just to open them in the most unexpected places. 'The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way.' (Psalms 37:23) The Mountain top is glorious, but it is in the Valley that I will grow!

Always Remember God gives you...
Happiness to keep you Sweet
Trials to keep you Strong
Sorrows to keep you Human
Hope to keep you joyful
Failure to keep you Humble
Success to keep you Eager
Friends to give you Comfort
Wealth to meet your Needs
Enthusiasm to make you look forward
Faith to banish depression, and
Determination! to make each day a better day than the last.

Life must be lived forward but can only be understood backwards (upon hindsight). Commit to the Lord in whatever you do and your plans will succeed. (Proverbs 16:3)

'Rowing harder doesn't help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction'


Other really non-related randoms:

I've signed up for a viwawa account! Like finally. Jax reminded me to.

And I find the doll thingy really dumb! HAHA, my doll is a naked boy doll because I, absolutely cannot be bothered to clothe it. Anyway, it does look special naked since all the other players' dolls are dressed up. And yeah, I am still at level one. Let's see if I can be hooked to it (as what others have warned about viwawa and that is the primary reason I stayed clear of it until after exams). I played mahjong and was tempted to play bridge but, I can't find myself getting hook to playing. Its just way off from real life playing when you can chit chat and laugh with your friends.

Oh and there's packing which I really sucked at because I keep going, "should I bring this?, and Should I bring that?" Is it really necessary..? No I shouldn't and erh maybe I should"


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