Not this exams though. Because I had fun studying for it. Yah, another crazy statement. I have no idea if its the -last term already, last term grades won't significantly affect GPA- mentality or what. But, we simply lack the motivation to study much.
We took photos.
We bring our soft toys to study with us. Kallis and Wanling (both very soft-toy-ey people) brought their 15-year old Octos they got from Marina Square.
See the difference? Wan's one was so old and hugged so much, that the eyes came out and she had to colour them herself. And the hat has gone missing.

Fako muggers. What posers. HAHAHA...

We got sick of studying even before we started on any revision...
NDP pal, Qihan, who came along to study with us girls. Big mistake.
Anyway, I will always remember him as the guy who came to talk to me about him wanting to lose weight, the very first time we met. Haha, strangers became friends with the start of the strangest conversations. Missing Jules.. =X The 3 of us are the original trio of the NDP '05 ushers gang. Sigh, miss those days of free KFC meals, slacking during breaks, and catching cheap firework thrills.
I will miss studying. I will miss laughing out loud and watching Grey's and Heroes when I shouldn't be in the first place when I should be studying hard.
Thank You, Lord, for surrounding me with lovely friends from my pre-school days right up to my college days. School life isn't the same without them around.
Here's a big thank you for my different cliques of friends from school days!
The lovelies from Sec School - Marie, Youie, Kavi, Yvette, Yu Ying, Shirong, Chithira, Eileen, Hanyan, Wanzhi and last but not least, Ellie.
Junior college - My worst years in my school years. Marie and Benjamin, Thank God for you guys. Actually, I seriously think my brain was somewhat in a comatose and vegetative state during these 2 years. Oh well, I am grateful I survived it.
And college days. What can I say? The second best 4 years next to sec school days - the final 4 years of school life. College life comes with the most number of cliques. People do come and go during these 4 years but thankfully, there are mainstayers who have provided much entertainment, laughter and joy.
Year One G1 group. HR folks. Shenzhen Gang. Misc straddlers (who straddle between different groups). Chillout group. UBC peeps (Vanny, you are the only active friend in this group. HA)
It was indeed an amazing journey and we have came a long way to the finishing line of our formal education. Well done graduating people! We truly deserve a pat on our backs. =)
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