Wednesday, 26 December 2007
All Things Will Work Out Good
After a long hiatus from MSN, I decided to go online only to face a decision which I ought to have already made up my mind about. I mean ok, since when MSN became such a channel for major dilemma headaches. Isn't it supposed to be a kind of brainless entertainment communication channel where people just catch up and talk crap. Well anyway, I was chatting with a friend from school and we were talking about deciding between which major we should embark our career on. Suddenly, we were talking adult stuff and it was over-whelming. It was all about prospects, pay packages and the like.
For me, it's Marketing and HR. FYI, HR pays far better than Marketing. But its not about the paycheck, its about what I'm good at and what I'm more suitable for. But, I'm not 100 percent certain about what I'm good at. Let's give an analogy to make explanation easier; I'm like this bystander idling at the bleachers observing and taking my own sweet time deciding which football team I want to support when the game is way past half-time and about to end........ damnit.
Haha, if only choosing a career option when I have one more term before graduating is as easy as choosing which football team to support.
So my next option, I'm going to consult the greatest and the most wonderful coach to give me answers. And that's God. Seriously, at this juncture, I do need His consult. And I trust in the hope that He will send friends, those who have graduated and those with experience to come my way to give me answers and advice. He has already put me in the best place to ask for consult, my cell group. 3 years ago, I asked myself why did God lead me to a cell group where all the members are at least 3 years older than me and I'm the only student in their midst. Come to think of it, all my career advisers are right there for me to ask.
Like, wow. Haha, if only I'm majoring in finance and accounting, cause half of them are working in banks and have worked in the big 4s. Nevertheless, I'm sure they have the knowledge and wisdom to provide me the advice I need.
All, I need to do is ask.
Matt 7:7-8
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."
First person He sent along to encourage me to trust in God, Miranda, a friend whom I got to know during my summer trip to Vancouver. And I have not talked to her in ages and out of the blue, she just msned me. And its funny. The reason she came to talk to me - she was having some dilemma thingy as well. And I was having my own issues.
mirmirr: sunkissed said:
so im trying to rationalise it in my brain to trust in God and leave it all to Him
mirmirr: sunkissed said:
hahah He prob made me say hi and then tell u that we both need to rely on Him
mirmirr: sunkissed said:
joanna* . says:
thats what I was thinking too =)
joanna* . says:
And its funny in an amazing way. The reason she came to talk to me online - she was having some dilemma issue as well. And I have my own issues to handle. As we said our goodbyes online, we left with the same conclusion. Trust in God, you will never go wrong. We cannot have control over everything. When we think we do have ultimate control, that's when we realise its really tiring and worthless to devote much of our time worrying about the "what ifs". When I become my insecure self, God gave countless reasons to make me feel secure once again.
Be blessed during this festive season!
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Grad Trip (Under Construction) and the festive season
Surface work pretty much discussed over coffee at Starbucks amidst all the gossip and latest news being shared in between who's researching on what and responsible for which aspects of the trip prep.
Well well well, doesn't it sound like project meeting? If it does, it sure and must be the most interesting and gratifiable project meeting ever. Project Grad Trip - Getting the A+ for Enjoyment, Adventure, Meeting Budgets, Indulgences, Thrill Factor, Bonding and memories worth remembering for a lifetime!
I didn't include glorious shopping because I'm making an exception this time. Shopping will be the least of my priorities during the grad trip. =)
There're so many stuff I'm looking forward to this coming week!
First, there's my favorite event of the year, Christmas. Family and I went Christmas shopping on Thursday and town was near madness, filled with throngs of Xmas shoppers. Xmas shopping is fun but painful for the account...... Well, the joy in the giving! I bought a bag for my Grandma to bring for her weekly card playing sessions. I think she's gonna love it. She's always eyeing my bags.
I hope I'll get a shoe voucher.
And there's Cafe Del Mar with the girlies! Ellie came back from Perth and I get to see her and hear that infectious laughter finally.
Looking forward to cookout session with the Grad-Trippers (decided to name the group since I have all these different cliques now. Something I love about university life, different groups of friends added to this circle of friendship) to better prep us for cooking our meals during the trip. Eh, I'm bringing one or two of my mum's many cookbooks (even though my mum doesn't know how to cook and our kitchen doesn't have any rice to begin with). Western, Peranakan, Chinese Cuisine, you choose, I guess I can dig out a couple of those cookbooks to bring over. HAHA.
Have a blessed Christmas, y'll! Happy holidays!
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Seriously I'm appalled by the truckload of free movies online. They even have "I am Legend" which is not out yet in cinemas. It's crazy! People out there live stream everything these days.
Damn pirated stuff. But I like.
I'm sucha cheapo pirated junkie. I'm not ashamed to admit it. Hurhur...
My trip to China was so boring and uneventful that I'm not even keen to transfer the pictures I took, from my cammie to my laptop. But apart from the lack of fantastic scenery and places to visit, it was a superb time of family bonding (the 11 of us!) To compensate for the boring factor, my cousins, aunt, sis and I played card games and ate loads of junk food into the wee hours of the night and slept 2 to 4 hours straight during bus journeys.
I love my family. To me, they are the best people I can have around me.
And I still have this heartwarming and tingley feeling everytime I see my ah-gong hold my ah-ma's hands to guide her through the shopping crowd. It's uber sweet and that picture is to me, my so-called definition of true love. (I believe very very strongly in marrying only once, to the right person, no regrets and you stick to the same person till your dying day). My grandparents, they are my role model when it comes to marriage.
When it comes to love, honestly, I'm a traditionalist and a die-hard romantic person at heart. I still believe so much in blissful fairytale endings. Jaded-ness, I forbid you to ever come near me!...
Thursday, 13 December 2007

But my favorite is still O'Malley. He's the comic relief, the funny guy. And I always like the funny guy the best. Sense of humor triumphs over good looks (most of the time).

Songs such as "The Way I am" by Ingrid Michaelson and "9 Crimes" by Damien Rice.
Hardly the usual radio stuff, which is great.
Well, life's pretty much boring after coming back from my trip. Other than "scaling" Bukit Timah hill with Jax, I cannot think of anything more interesting that happened the past week. Just watching Grey's and napping.
Oh, and I'm baking chocolate molten cakes! I'm turning into a baking person, however bad my last cheesecake turned out.
Does asking my boyfriend to sign up for baking classes with me sound absurd? HAHA.
I'm starting to ramble. This entire post's content sounds so ramblish. -_-"
Bored. Bye and next week will be a good and amazing week! No more staying at home!... =X
(I'm beginning to talk like a boring person.)
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Some Boredom Relief

Wan Zhi. Having her final year of studies in Sydney
I don't care. I'm going to organize a mass meet up this december holidays at my place or something and we can all webcam Wanzhi from Singapore to Sydney. Heh.
And let's chill out more =)
The entire HR- double major gang (missing Li Ping) Qihan, the econs students gatecrashed. Haha. The guys are always outnumbered when we go for HR outings. Poor Gary is always surrounded by busybody girls like us who never fail to tease him about a certain girl in class, S____. =p
Looking forward to more fun, games and laughter come December!
Monday, 19 November 2007
Jax's Birthday
18th November - He turns 24!


He laughed and was really amused when I sang him a birthday song. It feels strange to sing a birthday song on my own.

My effort has not gone to waste.
Five Loaves and Two Fishes
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Last Day of Term 1 07/08 & Starry Night VI
Finally, Week 13 is over and done with.
And to all my friends who are graduating this term, I'll miss seeing you guys around in school.

In the night
"Starry Night VI"
An "end of term" mini band concert to celebrate the end of each school term. As usual, it was held at the Big Steps, the venue to go for concerts and mini gigs such as Starry Night.
It was rather packed when we got there. Had to make do with this side corner which didn't promise much of a view.
Finally. I get to meet up with my friends/classmates from Year One.
Jian Sheng, Sharon, Me and Francesca
Jian Sheng with the free Kahjang Puteh. They were giving out free Red Bull as well. Too bad, the beer was not.
Jian Sheng and Sharon
My favorite act of the night, this band called, "The Good Fellows"
I know the name sounds kinda -_-" but the lead has really strong vocals and the entire band dynamics is really good. They totally worked the crowd. A mosh pit started to form at the foot of the stage. I guess the reason why they were so popular is because, they stuck with the safe numbers such as Black Eye Peas' and ColdPlay's songs.
The ending song, Fix You by ColdPlay was really surreal in a sense cause I'm sure there are many in the midst who are graduating who might be feeling sad and overwhelmed that this great chapter of their lives is ending soon. I don't know about you, but if I'm graduating and there at that point, listening to that sad tune, most probably I'll have tears in my eyes.
Honestly, next to secondary school days, college years are the best years ever. I know I will look back with fondness at the memories and friendships forged within the walls of the campus, both the old and the new.
Yea, honestly at times, I do feel that SMU's culture can be a little too elitist, too cut-throat, too superfluous and too grades-competitive. But, I've found my moments and my friends in SMU, whom I know has made a great deal of difference in my life and friends whom I know will be my friends for many more years to come.
(Now, why do I sound like, I'm graduating this term and wouldn't be returning to school after the December holidays...?!) Haha....
On another note, this means exams are coming.
One paper. One date. Many post-exams plans.
Thursday, 15 November 2007
The Answer
I was feeling damn shitty the entire day. Woke up this morning at 6 with a super bad sore eye which scared the hell out of me. Because it was really damn red and it looks like my left eye was bleeding. And the worst thing is, I can't take the day off since my RM presentation was scheduled today. and, the cab ride to school costs a bomb as I had the 3D model to lug to school.
It is really one of those lousy moments.
I couldn't take it anymore when I saw my test score. I did way below expectations and right there and then, my vision just blurred. I was trying so hard not to let my tears fall.
This is one of the rare moments you see me looking so listless and moodless the entire day.
And Corrinne May's song, The Answer cheered me up. It's really such a lovely (in a somewhat melodiously melancholic kind of way) short piece.
I believe you are the answer to every tear I’ve cried
I believe that you are with me,My rising and my light.
Give me strength when I am weary
Give me hope when I can’t see
Through the crosses I must carry
Lord, bind my heart to thee
That when all my days are over and all my chores are done,
I may see your risen Glory
Forever where You are.
I know I might risk portraying myself as being a very emotional person when I say this. But I teared all over again when I see the lyrics and hear the song.
This time, they were shed for a better reason than over just a puny quiz score which is worth only 15% of my total grade.
Thank you God, for that song which knocked some sense into me and reminded me that you are with me every step of the way. I know You won't let me fall.
And Thank You for the wonderful and encouraging friends you blessed me with in school. In fact, all the girlfriends, friends and loved ones You blessed me with.
Another one.
Angel in Disguise -Corrinne May
It's really heartwarming to listen to her songs. Just oozes with simple meaningfulness.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
One of our many inside jokes during our time spent together.
For your information, (if you guys are reading this), I'm thinking about all of you. Yeah, this sounds kinda wrong. ButI'm like half-asleep and on the verge of my head threatening to slam onto the study table. Hence, I don't really care.
Haha. I tend to talk (and type) gibberish when I'm damn sleepy.
It's really funny when you stay with and see the same old people day in and day out (almost 24/7 really), how they seem to know all your deepest, darkest, most embarrassing secrets and lifestyle habits. Some of them, I bet my best girlfriends don't even know about. =\
This is THE most random post ever. Seriously no link.
Whatever. I'm just being a sleepyhead. Personnel selection notes are lethal sleeping pills. The statistical jargon seem like alien language to me.
Monday, 12 November 2007
I've Blogged. Dammit.
It's the start of Week 13! The most dreaded week, yet I feel really excited because the holidays are coming very very soon. Even though its the time for presentation, project deadlines (they all seem to clash this term. No idea what's up with this term) and debates, I'm glad it's week 13.
I'm just relieved it's coming to an end soon. This term borders on the crazy side.
Firstly, Retail Management is kinda driving us nuts with the 3-D model. As if coming up with a novel retail concept is not that tough enough, it is mandatory that each group build a 3D model of our shop.
HAHA. Kinda absurd. After the first round of 'spoil market' presentations last Saturday, the competition is heating up. The 3D models made by the first few groups were really something - more like professionally done showroom models. Mind you, we are business students and not architects. So yeah, it goes to show the ultra competitive culture. T_T
And, to the class's and the Prof's horror, this guy had to go to the hospital to get 7 stitches for his index finger because he accidentally slashed it while cutting the metal sheets just to make the chairs for the model.
Ouch. Poor thing. Like what my schoolmate says, and I quote,
"This is a classic example of how SMU students like to "spoil market" for one another. If you teach a SMU student how to make a motorbike, he's going to build you a car for his project. The next batch of students will build you a boat. And by the time it's my turn to do the project, I will probably build you a jumbo jet."
How really true.
Hey Julez, let's see if we can indeed build a 'jumbo jet' for our retail mgmt project alright?
LOL. We'll see....
I'll be speaking malay next term because it is one of the Arts GE I will be taking for my last term. French and Spanish would be way more interesting but it clashed with another HR module (again!) My last school term will be a breeze and it ought be to be since its my last term. I'll be having a 2 day week (Tuesday and Thurdays) and 3 modules.
More time to shop, slack, plan for grad trip and of cause, more importantly hunt for jobs and go for interviews during term.
Thank God everything is falling into place for my last term in school. Let it be a breeze =)
Thursday, 8 November 2007
For Fun...
You Are An ENFP |
![]() The Inspirer You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends. You are also unconventional, irreverent, and unimpressed by authority and rules. Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives. You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're quite the storyteller! In love, you are quite the charmer. And you are definitely willing to risk your heart. You often don't follow through with your flirting or professed feelings. And you do break a lot of hearts. At work, you are driven but not a workaholic. You just always seem to enjoy what you do. You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist. How you see yourself: compassionate, unselfish, and understanding When other people don't get you, they see you as: gushy, emotional, and unfocused |

I really love this movie. It's like a total fantasy and magical escape from reality for 2.5 hours. It felt like an adventure and it was somewhat as if I was a little girl again, all caught with her fantasy storybooks.
Please watch it in a child-like mindset. Haha. Because if not, you might find it ridiculous. Otherwise, it's really a fun movie to watch.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Eat Rave
Woah, my goodness me, thinking of those number of slices of cakes I ate last week kinda made me feel like puking. It was really an overkill. Seriously.
I had in total 7 slices of cake. And only 2 flavours (!) - Chocolate and cheesecake. Interestingly, one of which, I baked! -shocker right?- Not exactly entirely my own effort of course! I had the help of my dear sister. =)
Let's see, I had,
2 whopping slices of Awfully Chocolate signature cake and 2 slides of tofu cheesecake (which is home made by my dear "chef" in my cell group)
2 slices of my own London Cheesecake (taken from Nigella Lawson recipes, I simply adore watching her cook show on Discovery Travel & Living!) In fact, she is both my sis and my favorite cookshow host.
1 oreo cheesecake from Cheesecake cafe, yet again.
No more cheesecake from now on.
Well anyway, the London cheesecake turned out to be edible (since we followed the recipe EXACTLY..) and according to Youie, tasted better than Cheesecake Cafe's cheesecake. This one is the real shocker. That means if I mass produce or rather mass bake cheesecakes, I can set up my own shop lah. I'm tweaking the recipe a little to play around with the ingredients. Thanks to this friend of mine from cell group who kinda fire up this enthusiam in making cheesecake.

Steamboat Saturday during cell group was really really fun and I had such a great time participating in the grocery shopping, the preparation of food, and of course the eating! I never knew grocery shopping can be an art, I mean like when it comes to choosing food and raw stuff, there's a step by step checking process (oh my.) And you know what, the advice came from one of the male species. What on earth is happening to the guys today. Haha, they cook and they bake (with zest). I was told to check the vegetables for freshness and I just assumed, Ok look at the leaves, and pick the greenest right? Apparently, that's not all, it is not all about green-ness of the leaves, have to check the stems as well.
And I shan't elaborate anymore. Simply, buying groceries is not as easy as I thought it was.
I like the fact that men these days can cook and handle the kitchen better than women. It was really amusing when the men were in the kitchen preparing the food, the ladies were sitting in the living room happily chit-chatting away. HAHAHA. Evil laughter. At least, I helped to wash the vegetables and wrap the wanton (first time!). It was easy to identify the wantons I wrapped, because all the ones I wrapped turned out to be rectangular in shape. LOL. Yea, the guys did a way better job than I did. Not shocking by now.
Other haps,
Dinner at Siglap's Famous Fu Lin's Ampang Yong Tau Food Place (in my opinion, the best YTF)
It was supposed to a girls' get-together but only the 3 of us could make it. Oh well, there's always a next time. And, it was still great pigging out on hawker fare.

It was overall a nice week of feasting. Although it was a mad week in school but it ended on a good note so I'm really grateful that another week has just flew by.
Thursday, 25 October 2007
A "Friday" Wednesday (totally random stuff)

Haha, this picture makes me laugh. He looks like he's shocked by the camera.

A lovely day in an emotional rollercoaster week.
and, God is indeed faithful! Thank you for the good outcome of our consultation with MB. No module had ever come close to make me so jittery over my final grade. She can be quite nice actually. We are being penalized minimally and it could have been much worse but thankfully, we managed to overcome this entire episode. =))))
Monday, 22 October 2007
Having to deal with such people sucks totally! It can be particularly annoying to have to deal with that person every Thursday or rather everytime she drops us a reply via Vista Email.
I think by now, a couple of you being my classmates and good pals in school might know who on earth this annoying person is.
She is none other than MB (also known as Mega Bitch of a prof for my HR module)
No other module in my entire schooling years in university has demanded so much for a project and the thing is, we have 7 brains in the project team and we ironically find it really vexing to put in so much effort and we get shitty one line replies from her.
Dear God, Please bless all who are in my project team! We need SUPERNATURAL favor in dealing with MMMMMMB...... Let us triumph over this dire circumstance. Give us hope in a hopeless situation.
Ok, phew, I'm feeling better. I rather 'scream' and let it off on this outlet rather rattling on and on to poor Jax, who most prolly just reply with "eh-huh" and "yahyah"...... Hah...
Songs, Reading & Starbucks
I think my taste in music is seriously changing. I love listening slow and meaningful songs these days. Yeah, its the growing up phrase.The moving into working adult-hood phrase. Strangely, I find comfort and solace listening to Carrie Underwood's songs. Instead of taking a nap, I loitered around trying to find something to do and chanced upon a forgotten Carrie Underwood's album. I made use of the surround sound system (which my mum won in a company's lucky draw) to blast the music while I just listened to the lyrics.
I kinda got teary while listening to her songs.
"Don't Forget to Remember Me"
18 years have come and gone
For momma they flew by
But for me they drug on and on
We were loading up that Chevy
Both trying not to cry
Momma kept on talking
Putting off good-bye
Then she took my hand and said
Baby don't forget
Before you hit the highway
You better stop for gas
And there's a 50 in the ashtray
In case you run short on cash
Here's a map and here's a bible
If you ever lose your way
Just one more thing before you leave
Don't forget to remember me
This downtown apartment sure makes me miss home and
those bills there on the counter keep telling me I'm on my own
And just like every Sunday I call momma up last night
And even when it's not, I tell her everything's alright
Before we hung up I said
Hey momma, don't forget
To tell my baby sister I'll see her in the fall
And tell mee-maw that I miss her
Yeah, I should give her a call
And make sure you tell Daddy
That I'm still his little girl
Yeah I still feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be
Don't forget to remember me
Tonight I find myself kneeling by my bed to pray
I haven't done this in a while
So I don't know what to say but
Lord I feel so small sometimes in this big cold place
Yeah I know there's more important things, but
Don't forget to remember me
Don't forget to remember me
"Jesus, Take the Wheel"
She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati
On a snow white Christmas Eve
Going home to see her Mama and her Daddy with the baby in the backseat
Fifty miles to go and she was running low on faith and gasoline
It had been a long hard year
She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention
She was going way too fast
Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glass
She saw both their lives flash before her eyes
She didn't even have time to cry
She was so scared
She threw her hands up in the air
Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this all on my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
To save me from this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel
It was still getting colder when she made it to the shoulder
And the car came to a stop
She cried when she saw that baby in the backseat sleeping like a rock
And for the first time in a long time
She bowed her head to pray
She said I'm sorry for the wayI've been living my life
I know I've got to change
So from now on tonight
Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this all my own I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
To save me from this road I'm on
Oh, Jesus take the wheel
Oh, I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
Save me from this road I'm on
From this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel
Oh, take it, take it from me
We Are Book Geeks.
I've finally remembered to bring my long-forgotten cammie (it's taking a long break from the SZ trip) along for our day out.

These days, nothing beats sharing a large mug of hot chocolate (since he doesn't drink coffee) and reading together in Starbucks for hours. Haha, sounds really boring right, reading, people watching and talking at Starbucks. Actually, surprisingly, it's actually nice to sit around, commenting on fashion styles and on a lookout for good looking people. Jax and I have a weird hobby while shopping. We are always on a lookout for pretty girls to talk about. Ha...Hence we decided to opt for the European style of sitting outdoors to indulge in people watching and book reading.
Him, reading "The Tipping Point" By Malcolm Gladwell which is really an interesting and thought provoking read. Like Freakonomics, a book that boldly challenges conventional wisdom, traditional stereotypes and perceptions. I like the fact that we love reading the same genre of books and we are such book geeks. =)
Collected clothes from MDS during their mass meetup. New clothes to wear! I've jumped onto the bandwagon of online shopping. Like finally. All thanks to the influence (more like brainwashing.. heh) of Julez and Eileen who are loyal supporters of online shopping. At the end of the day, I cannot escape from the clutches of Jax's incessant nagging.
And instead of listening to him nag, I decided to direct my attention to the performing beatboxing band nearby. In both Jax's and my opinion, really awesome beatboxing, which is essentially an art of vocal percussion and making drum beats and rhythms from using the lips, tongue and voice. I was pretty tempted to get myself a copy of their album which they are selling to fund their world tour.