Ok, I know the post title sounds strange. To explain, I was out with Jax on Wednesday and it seemed like a Friday to me since Fridays are usually our (only) day out. It was nice in a boring kind of way - plain but comfortable- nice.
We talked alot. Laughed alot. Kinda bickered over which movie to watch. I wanted to watch Rendition and he wanted to watch Seeker (which seemed so kiddish initially). So as usual, like we always do, we sat there just bickering over which movie is more worthwhile to catch. Genre clash. Sheesh.
We watched Seeker in the end... (Under my terms and conditions). And it turned out to be pretty good. Ha. Funnily, I liked it more than he did. What a dumb irony.
Anyway, since Halloween is round the corner, we talked about Halloween plans and he wanted to go for Zouk Halloween which I am not that interested in. Curious, I asked him what he is going as? And his answer, "Perhaps, King Kong or Jabba ?!" I laughed at the silliness of his answer. But its really suits him =X Seriously, sometimes I do think my boyfriend lives in his fantasy kingdom. And he said I can go along as Princess Leia. Haha, no way I'm ever going to don 2 bagel like buns on the sides of my head. I would rather go as Cleopatra which is way cooler.
And if we are going as a couple, Mr and Mrs Flintstones would be cool. Lol.
Sheesh, the stuff we talk about sometimes...
Dinner at Rendevouz Cafe, which is right across from SMU... How convenient. And it was a nice surprise because it was one of my favorite Indonesian restaurants since primary school days and I cannot remember the last time I went there for food. It was a long time back... Dinner brought back fond memories of eating there with my family back during the early to mid 90s. I remember I used to pester my parents like mad, to drop by the nearby Toys R Us to buy me Barbie Dolls. Lol.

Haha, this picture makes me laugh. He looks like he's shocked by the camera.

A lovely day in an emotional rollercoaster week.
and, God is indeed faithful! Thank you for the good outcome of our consultation with MB. No module had ever come close to make me so jittery over my final grade. She can be quite nice actually. We are being penalized minimally and it could have been much worse but thankfully, we managed to overcome this entire episode. =))))
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