I've been eating and snacking NON-STOP the past week. And it's not really a huge surprise. Since when I hardly talk about about good food and icecream right. I remembered just one or couple of weeks ago, I was on an icecream rave and the past week? A cake rave.
Woah, my goodness me, thinking of those number of slices of cakes I ate last week kinda made me feel like puking. It was really an overkill. Seriously.
I had in total 7 slices of cake. And only 2 flavours (!) - Chocolate and cheesecake. Interestingly, one of which, I baked! -shocker right?- Not exactly entirely my own effort of course! I had the help of my dear sister. =)
Let's see, I had,
2 whopping slices of Awfully Chocolate signature cake and 2 slides of tofu cheesecake (which is home made by my dear "chef" in my cell group)
2 slices of my own London Cheesecake (taken from Nigella Lawson recipes, I simply adore watching her cook show on Discovery Travel & Living!) In fact, she is both my sis and my favorite cookshow host.
1 oreo cheesecake from Cheesecake cafe, yet again.
No more cheesecake from now on.
Well anyway, the London cheesecake turned out to be edible (since we followed the recipe EXACTLY..) and according to Youie, tasted better than Cheesecake Cafe's cheesecake. This one is the real shocker. That means if I mass produce or rather mass bake cheesecakes, I can set up my own shop lah. I'm tweaking the recipe a little to play around with the ingredients. Thanks to this friend of mine from cell group who kinda fire up this enthusiam in making cheesecake.
Woah, my goodness me, thinking of those number of slices of cakes I ate last week kinda made me feel like puking. It was really an overkill. Seriously.
I had in total 7 slices of cake. And only 2 flavours (!) - Chocolate and cheesecake. Interestingly, one of which, I baked! -shocker right?- Not exactly entirely my own effort of course! I had the help of my dear sister. =)
Let's see, I had,
2 whopping slices of Awfully Chocolate signature cake and 2 slides of tofu cheesecake (which is home made by my dear "chef" in my cell group)
2 slices of my own London Cheesecake (taken from Nigella Lawson recipes, I simply adore watching her cook show on Discovery Travel & Living!) In fact, she is both my sis and my favorite cookshow host.
1 oreo cheesecake from Cheesecake cafe, yet again.
No more cheesecake from now on.
Well anyway, the London cheesecake turned out to be edible (since we followed the recipe EXACTLY..) and according to Youie, tasted better than Cheesecake Cafe's cheesecake. This one is the real shocker. That means if I mass produce or rather mass bake cheesecakes, I can set up my own shop lah. I'm tweaking the recipe a little to play around with the ingredients. Thanks to this friend of mine from cell group who kinda fire up this enthusiam in making cheesecake.
Here's how our the home-baked cheesecake looks like.

So proud of my sister and myself. Thanks to Mum and Dad for helping out too =) We kinda made a mess in the kitchen.
And click here for the London Cheesecake recipe I got from Nigella Lawson's Website. Happy Baking!
Steamboat Saturday during cell group was really really fun and I had such a great time participating in the grocery shopping, the preparation of food, and of course the eating! I never knew grocery shopping can be an art, I mean like when it comes to choosing food and raw stuff, there's a step by step checking process (oh my.) And you know what, the advice came from one of the male species. What on earth is happening to the guys today. Haha, they cook and they bake (with zest). I was told to check the vegetables for freshness and I just assumed, Ok look at the leaves, and pick the greenest right? Apparently, that's not all, it is not all about green-ness of the leaves, have to check the stems as well.
And I shan't elaborate anymore. Simply, buying groceries is not as easy as I thought it was.
I like the fact that men these days can cook and handle the kitchen better than women. It was really amusing when the men were in the kitchen preparing the food, the ladies were sitting in the living room happily chit-chatting away. HAHAHA. Evil laughter. At least, I helped to wash the vegetables and wrap the wanton (first time!). It was easy to identify the wantons I wrapped, because all the ones I wrapped turned out to be rectangular in shape. LOL. Yea, the guys did a way better job than I did. Not shocking by now.
Other haps,
Dinner at Siglap's Famous Fu Lin's Ampang Yong Tau Food Place (in my opinion, the best YTF)
It was supposed to a girls' get-together but only the 3 of us could make it. Oh well, there's always a next time. And, it was still great pigging out on hawker fare.

Youie and vet who is our little petite girl behind the driver's wheel. She utters funny comments when she drives. Stuff along the lines of, "Shoo Uncle, get out of my way, don't overtake meeeee.." So endearing...

Youie! Vet and I were shocked when we saw her hair. Super punk rock. Totally fits her image as a gungho dragon boater. Fierce... My hair looks plain boring beside hers. =\
It was overall a nice week of feasting. Although it was a mad week in school but it ended on a good note so I'm really grateful that another week has just flew by.
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