is what I had after my cell group today. Haha, all thanks to Alvin, our newcomer. He went to Upper East Coast Road just to buy us apple strudel. And he, I would say, have good taste. Nothing beats Renaldo's apple strudel as a late night snack. I was waiting for bible study to be over sooner than later just to polish off my piece of apple strudel. Eager anticipation.
Anyway, other than this common liking for apple strudel, my cg mates and I have another common interest, which is good food in general. We are really pretty big on good food.
When it comes to voting time for young adults retreat in church, we'll never fail to vote for events that has everything to do with food with themes like Makan Galore and Food Hunt. Lol.
Steamboat and cooking session once in 2 months.
Yea, we are seriously a foodie cg.
Some of the guys can even drive islandwide just to get food from the so-called famous food places. Not just buy, they even know how to cook. So every week, we'll have home-made mango pudding and italian pizzas for post dinner treats. These days, its kinda hard to find guys who love to cook eh.
Well, I learnt an important lesson today.
Matthew 14:28-31
Heard of the story where the apostle Peter walks on water? He walked out of the boat, walked on water, start to panick and find himself sinking and cries out to Jesus for help. That's the passage.
That passage seems to speak to me. Depicting this picture as to what it means to be a Christian caught midway between my faith and doubt. And, Peter represents all who dare to believe that Jesus is Saviour and dare to take their first steps into the unknown in confidence, believing that He is able to sustain them. We then forget to keep our gaze fixed on Him and instead, on the towering waves that are threatening to engulf us. In the depth of our worries, concerns and troubles, when all seems lost, we remember to call upon His name and find His grace is sufficient for all our needs.
It seems to question me, when you are out of your comfort zone, on unchartered land, do you grapple with every worry or DO YOU STEP OUT IN FAITH?
I believe I do want to step out in faith and believe I can make it out there in some foreign land for 3 months.
Do not let anyone tell you, you're not good enough for anything. Not even yourself. -Taken from the Pursuit of Happy-ness.
Heh, hm, perhaps I was actually paying attention to the bible study afterall.
Good night, friends!