One of the best movies I have ever watched. Eileen and I went to watch the show without much expectation. I told myself, it's just gonna be a fighting show with much gore, a massive blood bath. There was indeed much gore and every scene was filled with the shedding of blood. Blood spattering and splurting everywhere. It was really a gruesome yet thrilling show, leaving you at the edge of your seat throughout the entire movie.
So what on earth made me like the movie so much?
Purely for the very clear message that came across when that Spartan King Leonidas said,
"Prepare for Glory! Do not surrender, do not retreat!"
In times of adversity, persecution and even death, would you 'kow-tow' to a false authority? Or would you choose to hold fast and cling tightly to your faith, beliefs and principles and await the glory that lies ahead?
Prepare for the glory you cannot see but am certain of.
I just feel that I watched this movie at the most opportune time cause I just finished my bible study on the Book of Daniel. And the movie seriously does portray the end-times of the world scenario that is prophetically written in the Book of Daniel.
Even though the whole movie was set way back in the Medo-Persian and Grecian Days, it's really a very futuristic portrayal in a certain biblical sense.
Ok, I'm not gonna get all preachy here. If you are interested to know more, ask me =)
At the end of the movie, Eileen and I got a very clear pictorial message. Haha, it was well worth the time and money.
Pretty Little Things.
Chocolate Pudding Cupcake with roasted hazelhuts and toffee cream
Coconut cupcake (they gave it a nicer name, Samos Cupcakes)
Himalayan Goji Berry Chocolate Cupcakes topped with Chocolate Ganache and Himalayan Pink Salt
Ok, thats quite a mouthful for a name of a little cupcake.

Fresh Pumpkin Cupcakes with White Chocolate Chunks & Cream Cheese Frosting
So pretty! so much so, that you'll hate yourself for eating it. Hah...
Banana Boston Choc Cream Pie Cupcakes
After looking at the pictures, don't they make you wanna sink your teeth into each and every one of those little cupcakes?! Haha! Hmm, I want to learn how to bake. So I can bake all these lovely cupcakes!
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