Friday, 2 March 2007

The Break - Up.

NOT. Got you there right.

Something amusing happened over dinner with Marie and Kavi this evening. While digging into our large packs of MacDonalds fries, Kavi asked, "Did you break up with Jax?!"

-Immediate reaction-

NO!, Since when that sort of thing happened?

Honestly speaking, I was shocked and equally amused at that question. For your information, we're still happily attached. Just for clarification purposes, we had this argument which resulted in me walking off and going home on my own. It was not that serious to warrant a break-up.

I went home and told Jax about this over the phone. He burst out laughing when he heard what happened. Well, he found it amusing too. Haha... ah well, like I mentioned before, we just laugh at our silly-ness and stubborn (in a childish way) behaviors.

To put it simply, we're like 2 kids at the playground; the boy bullied the girl by not offering his sweet, the girl said ''I don't want to be your friend'' and walk away. The next moment, you see the 2 kids holding hands and playing happily again.

HAHA, I know its such a lame analogy but its just us lah. We do behave like little kids sometimes. =\

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