The mousetrap game where there were plenty of screams. If I remembered correctly, we were paired, one partner has to be blindfolded, the other give directions to dismantle the mousetrap without activating it. Loads of painful snaps. Thankfully, I was the one who was giving directions.
I have no idea what this is about.
Untying the knot
I love the gingerbread man's house float we did. The last day of orientation camp was a chin gay style float parade whereby we had to make our own group's float to parade round the school. Haha, it sounded tacky initially but looking back, it was so much fun decorating and making the float from scratch with the scrap material the organisers gave us. We even had to decorate our own teeshirts to wear on the day. Yeah, it was great fun; the laughters, the paint on our faces (deliberate attempts to sabo each other) and the communal eating and sleeping.

Pizza Party at a random GSR in the Old Campus (it can never beat City Campus). It is good that the final year of students have the best of both worlds. The tranquility of the old campus and the hustle and bustle of the new one. I would prefer the old campus; the memories of nice crispy waffle fries, the zebra crossing, the brit colonial like buildings, Adam Road Chicken wings, walking to Serene centre for coffee and ice cream and the afternoon after class picnics in Botanical gardens. Aww, it was good times, really. We worked really hard (my friends, not me, I was slacking most of the time) and played hard as well.

Biking at East Coast Park; the first summer holidays of 2005

Leadership and Team Building (fondly known in SMU, as LTB). The best group dynamics. It was the height of role playing and video making at that time. It was a whole different level of presentation. Haha, it was funny and hilarious, dressing up and role playing for a presentation. I remembered we had to present on the difficulties of working in a huge team, blending our different working styles, communicating and surviving first year together. Since it was in the topic of surviving first year together, we decided to present in a Survivor talk show style; hence we made video of us (think of the opening credits of the survivor show complete with the original music and sounds) and brought the fire sticks usually present at the voting sessions, to class that day. It was crazy but we did really well. All for the effort, it was worth it; the hours spent on brainstorming. The ending video of the friendship forged in the team made me teared. A good way to start year one in college, a new chapter in life.
Our role playing for a video. For another presentation. Long story. Haha, but we had truckloads of fun and laughing till I had snitches.
Not to forget my other friends from other classes I took, through other friends, or rather randomly. I like the variety and the good mix.

Ah well, good times end somehow or other. Thank God I had wonderful friends throughout my university life. It was a stage of growing up, learning to rely on each other during difficult times of stress and work, striking a balance between working real hard and playing real hard as well. A stage of moulding our characters (sound rather cliche) and attaining maturity in thoughts.
I would say, the days spent studying is like no other. I remember griping about studying back in sec sch days but ironically, when I have one more year before entering the working world, I would rather study a bit more. Haha, ain't it such an irony.
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