Friday, 17 August 2007

Leftover Pictures & Memories of Shenzhen
25th July 2007 - QBR & the week, Jax came for a visit.
Quarterly Business Review (QBR); Company Dinner with the top management and management stuff
Standing in front of the company's logo in the main lobby
Alaska and I waiting for dinner (& red wine) to be served

Potent Chinese Wine - Moutai

This 500 ml bottle of chinese wine packs more power than a full bottle of Vodka.
Think the oriental Absinthe. 53% alcoholic content. Gin and vodka is only 40%. The highest alcoholic content ever is 70%. Strong stuff. Every year, the manufacturer only produce 100,000 bottles of this chinese wine in the entire country (we're talking about China here). I tell you, it is the most horrid drink I've ever drank in my life. I took a tiny sip of it and it burns my tongue and throat. One shot is really enough to get all of us feeling tipsy. Ha, but it was fun to down the entire shot with everyone else. We were like, bottoms up and even donna (whom I've never seen drink a bottle of beer with us) downed it like a pro. Yes, another completely new experience. The ability to hold your liquor well in China is a must. 90% of the managers there at the dinner are well seasoned drinkers. The VP drank half the bottle of Moutai and he's still pretty much sober. =X
Donna with her empty Moutai cup.

LM PHUA. The VP. Youie's uncle in law. Haha a small world.

The VP's friendly secretary who went around jostling everyone to bottoms up. Haha, she's the "one on one" lady. *inside joke* Lol, she's a damn hilarious person.

Halfway through dinner, it was pretty obvious we are getting tipsy. More nonsensical chatter and tomato faces.
Tipsy faces:

Qiuxin (she's the best female drinker amongst all of us)



Alaska loves her Moutai. She's tipsy, fancy posing with the half-finished bottle of Moutai. One shot is seriously enough to make you pretty much woozy.
It's time we head for home. A group shot to commemorate QBR of 2007. A taste of chinese socialization dinner in China. Loads of red wine, moutai and gan bai-ing.

Going home after the QBR dinner. A picture with the tipsy managers.

A picture with Charles, our favorite manager and Fernando, the expat from Philippines. He couldn't walk straight and was talking gibberish with Adrian. Can't help but snigger because gibberish coming from a manager don't come by every day.

My alcohol threshold has increased tremendously. Other than not walking in a straight line and talking more nonsense than I ought to, I was doing alright. And I didn't throw up after drinking that one shot of Moutai and 5 glasses (I think) of red wine. I returned home to a bored Jax who was left alone at the apartment waiting for us to return. Oops. We let him try a sip of Moutai and he was like, "woah, this is seriously strong stuff".

I've found out, in China, drinking is far more important than the meal. People get drunk and tipsy halfway through the meal. Managers are easy targets (the higher the rank, the more prone to getting wasted if you do not have a high threshold)

Lesson: Drinking for socialization purposes is a must working in China.
Other random pictures taken with Jax's cammie when he came to visit.

No idea why we chose to pose with the flowers.

She wants to devour them.

We went to Japan Fusion (again!)

"China" girl with a "Malay'' boy (HAHA) I look Fat!

Eating at this random place.

Where Jax was accused of giving a fake 10 RMB note. Haha, the waitress said it was a fake note. Oh well, apparently even money can be counterfeit in China. Come to think of it, I'm glad I do not have to check my 20 and 50 dollar notes to verify it authenticity. By the way, I was cheated once with a fake 20 dollar note. From then on, I knew better; to double check notes that were given to me esp from road side stall vendors.

Steamboat at this place, our dear tiger van driver, zhang recommended us.

Donna's family came to visit and gave us a treat at this restaurant where everything inside is gold in colour. Interesting. They were so nice even to treat Jax as well.

At the entrance of the restaurant.

Group picture. If you look closely, Jax's hair colour kinda blends in really well with the background. Haha, he went to colour his hair at the salon near the apartment. The first thing I said was, "Ang Moh AH BENG!" =\ anyway, he got along really well with my friends in shenzhen. =)

See what I mean. haha interesting with the gold decor and portraits lining the walls.

Dimsum early in the morning. No time even for make up =\


I miss our drinking sessions !

I miss getting'drunk' with this group of people! I miss playing the lame ass games; Hai Dai, Nai Chai and not to mention, Dai Di! If my dai di skills have seen marked improvement, I owe it to these people! Especially Adrian who decided to impart his part of his art of playing dai di to me. LOL, to him, playing dai di is an art of strategizing. Sheesh.

My room with the name plate given by Marie! Thanks babe!

I miss watching chinese MTV in this living room. The girls and I will tune in to MTV every morning before going to work. Now I know all the recent songs by May Day, Wang Lee Hom (he's damn hot and talented!), Stef Sun and Jay Chou. To think this day will come whereby I know a hell lot more of Chinese songs. Ask me out for KTV and I sing them for you! (hurhur) just kidding.

Sigh, I miss life in Shenzhen.

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